You Don’t Have To Lose Something To Realize Its Value

You don't have to lose something to realize its value

Realize, the happiness it brings you. Be aware of the way you smile when you are together. Realize how much it brings to you. Realize how much you have, don’t wait any longer, because tomorrow might be too late (or just later), realize that you don’t need to lose it to get it. enhance.

The present time is the only real moment that we have in our hands to enjoy it, so don’t wait any longer to be grateful for what you have, to take advantage of each moment, to enjoy. Do not run the risk of leaving it for tomorrow, for prudence lacks its reward.

You have the power now to see what is around you, to appreciate it, to enjoy it, because unfortunately the people you love will one day go away, your friends will cease to be, your children will start their lives, your work will end, your vacation will end and unfortunately it is. For this you have to take the reins and make everything worth it, make what you have today is eternally in your memory, do not wait until you lose it to realize the how important it was to you.

Don’t let waste the kisses you want to give

Here lies the magic of what is called happiness. We don’t need big things, just to give space in our consciousness to what we have today, here and now. You may have the opportunity tomorrow to do the same thing as today, with the same people and with the same desire, but that is not an argument for losing what is happening today.

say that we love

Sleep each day with a mouth-watering flavor on your lips, that flavor the day has left you. You will thus have this feeling of peace emanating from the fact of having rushed for time, of having drunk life. So, you won’t have to lose something to estimate its true value, because there is nothing better to profit from something, than to benefit from it to the fullest.

The kisses you can give today, give them, say a thousand times that you love the people who matter to you, dedicate quality time to your loved ones, love like it’s the last day and enjoy it all what you can today, not tomorrow, but now. Take advantage and feel free to do so, because other people’s value judgments have nothing to do with you, even if they take your name to put a subject in their sentences.

Value whatever you can be thankful for today

By spending pages and pages of the calendar thinking that the circumstances around us are perennial, not realizing the passage of time, or believing that everything we have now will be here tomorrow, we lose the opportunity to reflect on what is important and the lack we may feel vis-à-vis small things or people who accompany us on a daily basis.

We lose them and let go of the belief that we have the power to dominate time and adapt it to us, but it is not so. It is curious to witness farewells every day and to notice that we very infrequently stop to think about their meaning. We hide the pain that routine and rush thinking might entail. In fact now is not the time, and it is never the time, we seldom allow reality to express itself and manifest in us, although inside we suffer from its effects when bad things happen. are coming to us.

happy woman

Realize what you have for a very simple reason. Knowing its value will help you enjoy it, generate memories, write a life you like. It’s nothing but the little things, which basically has the power to make us giant.

Do not forget it. You don’t have to lose something to realize its value …


This magnificent short film teaches us that to love is to know how to be present
Our thoughts Our thoughts

This beautiful BBC short film teaches us that those who love and value their own know how to be present in body, mind, heart, and …

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