You Are The Love Of Your Life

You are the love of your life

“We all know that self-esteem

comes from what we think of ourselves,

and not what other people think of us. ”

(Gloria Gaynor)


“After many ups and downs, after feeling like a drifting boat, after experiencing the torments of love, after losing hope of ever meeting the love of my life, I finally found it. 

The love of my life is me. I learned to love myself, to respect myself. I learned to dialogue with myself about my mistakes and my blunders, to forgive myself without holding onto resentment. 

I think I have met the perfect partner: myself. And I say it without pretension, this is only a way of explaining that I have found a true, healthy and stable loving relationship with my inner core.  

I am a half orange who needs to find his other half to feel complete, because we are all already complete if we manage to find peace and happiness with ourselves, without having the perpetual need to seek love. and the approval of others.

I don’t have to get ready to get someone to fall in love with me anymore. I only prepare for myself, and if someone comes looking at me on the street, so much the better.

The only thing that matters to me is to make myself happy, without mysteries and without fuss.

To the person who will fall in love with me, I will simply say: Do you want to be happy and continue the path of life with me?

self love

We must be sure of ourselves at all costs, to love ourselves with our faults and our qualities, no matter if there are people more beautiful, smarter or more charismatic than us.

Each of us is unique and that is what makes us all great.

We have to improve ourselves, inside and out, but first for ourselves.

Being flirtatious is a good thing, only if it is not dictated by the fact of pleasing the whole earth, by the insecurity which makes us think that we are worth nothing or by complexes, which become the center of our life and make us forget all the good things we have.

Be happy as you are, and that feeling will reflect on everyone around you.

We will give you an example to explain how being happy for yourself, and without thinking about others, is possible.

self esteem

Do you remember the shy Italian singer Laura Pausini at the start of her career? She was still covered in knits that didn’t really show off her.

Today she says: “ When I started my career, my managers wanted to cover up my hips and butt with horrible knits.

In a natural way and without artifice, she managed to win the heart of an audience who now adores her.

She’s likable, charismatic, natural, and affable, so she doesn’t need to have the perfect butt or face to be an attractive, attention-grabbing woman.

She’s happy the way she is, and that’s how the public perceives her.

Why don’t we do the same as Laura Pausini, or other stars, who are watched by the whole world?

Joaquín Sabina is definitely not one of the most beautiful men in the world. Yet he often says “ I am nothing at all, I live my life as I am ”. Many women adore him because he loves himself as he is, and really accepts himself.

Why don’t we start to be the main love of our existence today?

Why don’t we decide to love ourselves and be happy with who we are?

Will you risk it?


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