When To Go Away Means To Learn To Give Up

When to go away means to learn to give up

It’s finish. Real life is not a joyful love film that everyone is talking about, nor this book in which relationships last forever: eternal love, inseparable friendship, family united until the end …

In real life, love, in all its aspects, is not always enough and going away is the order of the day.

What is hard when you leave is that there is no more room for a possible return; only gaps remain between two or more people.

Sometimes going away becomes a rule of life. In other words, the hard part of leaving is not saying “goodbye”, but understanding that goodbye means giving up and continuing.

Let go and let go

We are often told that life is like a roller coaster: once you’ve climbed into it, you have to adapt to the climbs and descents that make it up. Conversely, we want to show us that a happy life is a life where things last forever.

It is this annoyance that hurts us. We feel vulnerable when we discover that our truth is continually changing, that happiness is not eternal, and that sooner or later we will all have to lose in order to keep winning.

People who arrive can also go away just like when we arrive, we can also go.

And when we go or they go, what’s left is what we taught them or what they taught us, good or bad.

We must let go of what is no longer, accept and learn to continue living with the part that left us and that makes us what we are.

All that it takes to go away

Leaving is one of the most difficult times we go through, as it involves a lot of other things that take us away from our “selves” and because of which we get lost.

To go away involves releasing something that we don’t want to release and that we want to keep that way.


To leave means to want to say something that we cannot say and that we have never said before, to do what we could not do with someone, to understand what we did not understand.

In short, to leave is to experience everything that we have not managed to experience and which we will always miss.

In the face of this, we are left with the strength, the sacrifice and the courage that we all have within us, even if we think otherwise.

We are all able to look to the future, no matter how dark, and have the courage to face pain, for only then will life know that we are ready to be happy again.

To learn to leave is to grow

Sometimes we don’t even have time to go: life makes someone we love very much have to go, although they stay with us.

Other times, we leave without realizing it: no one is more apt to create something false for himself than someone who wants the lie to be true , says Jorge Bucay.

The test of leaving, as we said at the start, is to see ourselves happy after saying “goodbye”.

When that happens, we will have gone through a whole process of slow inner healing, of finding out who we were, what we want to be, and what we can be for ourselves.


The real “goodbye” comes when we think back to the past with that person and see ourselves bigger because of them.

We grew up because everything we lived was good until the farewells, we grew up because we realized that life only has meaning when we always want to live it.

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