What Is The Adam Complex?

The Adam Complex is a phenomenon that concerns inexperienced and very arrogant leaders. In many cases, this complex causes great difficulties for those who work under their direction.
What is the Adam complex?

The Adam complex is the popular term given to a peculiar arrogant attitude. We find this phenomenon especially in the world of work when a manager or a leader criticizes everything that has been done so far. Its objective is to set up a new reality. In other words, those who display an Adam complex feel like they are the founders of a new world.

Those who suffer from Adam Complex assume that everything that has been done so far is worthless. They then consider that there is nothing to be learned from this liability. They want to erase the slate and start from scratch. In the vast majority of cases, this attitude has negative consequences. Why is this so? We talk about it in this article.

Adam’s complex

The Adam complex is a typical characteristic of arrogant people. It is as if they were the first human beings on Earth. Indeed, they deny the interest of all that could have been achieved before they entered the scene. They therefore wish to bring about “structural changes”. They base their decision on mistakes that have been made in the past.

These profiles are generally found in positions of responsibility. But they can also be found in any type of situation or activity. More often than not, people who display an Adam complex are inexperienced but knowledgeable people. They usually bring with them the most innovative theories or the new trends in vogue.

This attitude is a clear sign of immaturity. It also reveals a strong desire to appear and establish itself in the history of an organization, a city, a country, etc. It is relatively often observed in politicians who are elected or who are appointed to an important post for the first time.

A self-centered leader.

Recognize the Adam complex

A person with an Adam complex can be seen as a person with great leadership abilities. We lend him very good ideas and great vitality. It is certain that there are always things to correct in the past management and these people only point out these errors to propose radical changes.

However, it is very important to differentiate this approach from that of a true leader who takes charge of an organization or an institution that is going through a structural crisis. In such a situation, it is very likely that profound changes are needed to solve such serious problems.

In the case of the Adam complex, there is an intention to change something which, while flawed, is not in itself a critical situation. In addition, those who suffer from this complex tend to adopt the following behaviors:

  • They focus the change on their own individual action. They take little account of the opinions or suggestions of others.
  • They have difficulty listening. They focus more on promoting their own ideas than listening to the ideas of others.
  • Finally, they seek to persuade, rather than to demonstrate. They do not focus so much on the veracity of their proposals, but rather on a discourse promoting their ideas.
A woman who ignores her colleague.

How is the Adam complex negative?

Why should we perceive a leader with innovative ideas and willing to change everything for the better as something negative? Radical changes often have to be the result of a collaborative effort rather than the decision of a single individual.

If there is a real need for restructuring, the best thing to do is to rely on the input and expertise of all those involved in the transformation. In addition, one must begin by assessing the positive and negative aspects of what already exists.

Obviously, everything can work more optimally, but in some cases only a few tweaks are needed to achieve this. It is not always desirable to make a total change. Such a change can sometimes lead to generating even more instability within an organization.

It is also advisable to take into account resistance to change and processes in an existing structure. Therefore, in most cases, changes should be implemented gradually and through general consensus.

It is often difficult to identify with precision the priority areas of intervention. Major restructuring is only necessary if there is an obvious crisis. When motivated by the Adam complex, leaders tend to create dissatisfaction, dysfunction, and often these changes lead to failure.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

The toxic leader is the one who inappropriately uses the power conferred on him by his position.

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