We Are Too Young To Be So Sad

We're too young to be so sad

The negative reversal of the economic and social trend affects a whole generation of young people, who are suddenly sad.

Everyone feels it and lives it that way, but yet it is not easy to express it. Just before the situation worsened irreparably, it was hoped that our generation would not have to wait ten years for the situation to recover.

Today, we see that the ten years are largely over, but we are moving forward in spite of everything.

We are too young to be so sad; Thousands of young people identify with this sentence, young people who have no health problems or deficiencies, but who have seen their future take a 180 degree turn.

Their educational and professional aspirations are altered, and the possibilities for independence are reduced to nothing.

We are too young to be so sad. .. but sometimes relief and dealing with an issue that has become taboo because many are ashamed of it is the first step in detecting possible cases of depression or anxiety. .

The influence of sadness in young people

Every day we can experience different emotions ; in a week, we can go through very sad moments as well as moments of joy.

But the common denominator of this generation is this: despair about the future.


We must be aware of the fact that despair is one of the main triggers of a depressive episode.

Today, there is an increase of about 15 to 20% in cases of depression diagnosed in young people compared to the previous generation.

Most young people find that after years and years of study, they have no choice but to take jobs that have nothing to do with their professional field.

Others have decided to emigrate, but the end is the same; they too have to accept low-skilled odd jobs, even in a foreign country.

No one had prepared for such a situation; in a very short period of time, the young generation had to implement new professional remedies in the face of situations which had overtaken them.

Logically, young people have stopped feeling guilty, and have come to accept the fact that the situation has changed drastically in a very short time, even if their generation is the best trained.

Greatly courageous, the young people of today have accepted this idea for many years.

We must learn from every experience we have

The influence of this bad economic situation is different depending on the people affected.

Indeed, the impact is not the same on a person who has a stable position and a recognized professional career as on a young person who has just arrived in the world of work, and to whom we have only slammed the door to the nose.


We have not shown what we are capable of because we have not been given the opportunity. But, the situation being what it is today, we will be able to draw lessons from it that are worth two or three whole lifetimes.


That’s why when you’re sad, you have to think about what you gain and what you lose.

First and foremost, we must learn from each experience we have had.

Thus, we will develop a unique empathy and social conscience that can allow us to analyze the problems of the world from different points of view.

Our resilience has developed very quickly, and if we have been able to get out of certain situations, it is more thanks to our emotional intelligence than to anything we have learned in previous years.

We are more open, less naive, and also more united. We appreciate more honesty, simplicity and decency than previous generations.

On the other hand, we consider hypocrisy, vanity and extravagance as our enemies.

We are prepared for the change, we will do even better, and we will leave to the following generations another way of doing things.

Probably for a while your psychological resistance will be reduced to nothing, but you will eventually get back on your feet.

We are too young to be sad, which is why we need to get up and keep going.


We are sad, sure, but we are not alone

If a person is going through a situation of depression or hopelessness on their own, they are likely to experience this time with fear and shame.

However, sadness becomes more bearable when we feel that we belong to a group of people who are going through the same things as us.

We cannot be calm, because the situation is chaotic from all points of view, but despite everything a psychological phenomenon occurs.

Indeed, our fault becomes more bearable and dissipates since we know that if we are there, it is not our fault ; it is in fact an evil shared by a whole generation.

Faced with this situation, we must not isolate ourselves, since it is not by facing the situation in a passive and catastrophic way that we will fix things.

You have to pick yourself up, get dressed, and get out, even if you don’t feel like it.

The urge will come later. You have to get your life back. As Jean-Paul Sartre said :


“We are not wasting our time. Maybe it could be better, but it’s ours ”

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