Thoughts Destroy And Heal Both

Thoughts destroy and heal at the same time

Health and disease are currently seen as a complex balance that arises from the interaction between body and mind, between organism and thoughts. Gradually, we are moving beyond reductionist views that downplayed the importance of the influence of the subjective world on our body and, therefore, on illness and healing.

Conventional medicine is gradually becoming aware of the limitations of its approach. The twentieth century was marked by a paradigm in which the idea of ​​the body-machine predominated. From this point of view, the organism was like a device made up of different parts, and disease was a dysfunction of one of these parts, both functional and structural.

“If you don’t act the way you think you will end up thinking the way you act. “

-Blaise Pascal-

However, thanks to advances in technology, it has been possible to verify that the internal dimension has a strong influence, whether direct or indirect, in the state of health of any person. In addition, this influence is even more marked on the perceived state of health. It is for this reason that it is said that  thoughts – with their influence – not only make you sick and kill, but also heal.

Pharmacological medicine and thought medicine

Bruce Lipton  has a doctorate in Cellular Biology and author of several books. He went deeply into the subject of health, illness and the influence of thoughts  in these processes. His findings and reasoning are really interesting.

Lipton says pharmacological medicine is virtually a failure. This is because all chemical medicines produce equal or worse effects than the disease itself. He even assures us that many of these drugs, in the long run, lead to death.


He also claimed that the natural environment of the cell is the blood and, in turn, changes in the blood are determined by the nervous system. At the same time, the nervous system is the natural environment for thoughts and feelings. Therefore,  from Lipton’s point of view, it is the thoughts and feelings that make you sick last and therefore also have the potential to help in healing.

The power of thoughts over the body

Bruce Lipton is not the only one who gives tremendous power to thoughts in the process of illness and healing. There are many other researchers out there, and  even the most adept of pharmacology doctors know that if someone suffers from any ailment, they are more likely to be cured if they stay in an environment. involved,  surrounded by affection and trust.

It is not an esoteric thing, nor an effect drawn from the beyond. Explaining the power of thoughts is also a matter of chemistry. When a person is faced with a pleasant presence or takes advantage of a positive stimulus, their brain secretes dopamine, oxytocin and a series of substances that make cells healthy. The same happens when the stimulus is negative, causing fear, anger, or any other destructive emotion.

The body develops a daunting task every day: to produce hundreds of billions of new cells to replace those that die. It must also defend itself against the thousands of pathogens that threaten health. If your body feels that it has to fight against extremely negative environmental stimuli every day, it will put all its energy into it  and leave aside the other functions of growth and protection. The consequence is that you get sick more quickly.


Between suggestion and energy

The placebo effect has been studied in different circumstances and the results show its influence on our body perception. In fact, many of the drugs on the market have slightly better effects than a placebo. These placebos are irrefutable proof that the influence of thoughts – in the case of the placebo effect: expectations – can be very powerful: you think they are going to cure you and the intensity of the symptoms decreases.

Quantum physics has highlighted the importance of energy, which is the ultimate composition of matter. Everything is, and we are all, in our most primitive physical form, energy. This is why  the new medicines are oriented more towards the balance of energy than towards the chemical modification of the body. They assume that disease processes are linked together due to energy imbalances.


These imbalances, very often, are caused by programming towards negative thoughts, which we carry in us since childhood. It may be that you are consciously convinced that you need to think differently and yet something deep inside is preventing you from doing it. So, it is not the conscious thoughts that need to be changed but all this unconscious programming that we have had with us since our early years. It is the way to bring about changes that promote mental health and, therefore, physical health.

Editing Note:  With this article, we in no way want to belittle the importance of pharmacology when dealing with such devastating diseases as cancer. In fact, we can say that it is currently indispensable. What we want to emphasize is that mental health and psychological well-being are two influencing elements in the treatment that the patient can modulate to improve or worsen his prognosis.

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