The Importance Of Knowing How To Give Up

The importance of knowing how to give up

Knowing how to give up at the right time is one of the keys to being able to move forward and make room for new things in your life.

If you hold on to something that will never happen or doesn’t work, you’ll get stuck and get nowhere.

Imagine a small trail in the mountain. Today, you walk it with the idea of ​​picking blackberries. You will inevitably find on your way brambles on which blackberries grow. Some will be tastier than others.

You continue to harvest the blackberries. Some are good, some are not, but regardless, you keep moving forward to find new bramble bushes. Some will be easy to reach, and others will take a little more effort.

Now imagine that you come across brambles topped with hundreds of blackberries that look more delicious than the last. Unfortunately, they are beyond your reach. Despite the different strategies you employ, you cannot pick any of them.

Trying is good, but when you realize that your goal is unattainable, you have to learn to give up because it is the best thing to do. If you insist, you no longer follow the path that takes you forward,  you stay where you are, without moving forward, and without being able to pick those blackberries that you admire from afar.

You focus all of your attention on those unattainable brambles while telling yourself that you’ll never get better, and that’s exactly why you’re not moving forward. This  metaphor with brambles can be applied to many subjects of everyday life.

Surely it has happened to you before that something you wanted didn’t happen, but  if you know how to give up and move on, new opportunities are sure to present themselves. On the other hand, if you refuse to give up on this thing, you will pass up these opportunities.

When something isn’t for you, for whatever reason, just forget about it, and direct your attention to new goals, new paths. Many people close the doors that open to them in their path, and refuse to see the new opportunities that await them.

Take the example of a young girl in love with a boy with whom she could not go out. She knew for a fact that they would never be together, but instead of severing all ties with this boy and starting to meet new people, she stubbornly stubbornly locked herself into a monotonous, go-to life. back between home and work.

She kept saying she would never find love again. The problem is, she was unaware that things don’t just happen, you have to look for them. Indeed,  after 10 years spent alone, without falling in love with anyone, she continued to have feelings for this boy with whom any affair  was impossible.

She never liked other boys, but her prediction came true because she never did anything to open up to new opportunities. If we don’t do anything to meet new people, no one will come into our life. Therefore, passivity is a source of stillness.

The biggest problem people have  are negative thoughts that induce inactivity such as   “I will never meet someone so good”, “I will never find love”, “I will never make new myself. friends ”,“ no one loves me ”, etc.

This type of thinking immobilizes the people who ruminate on them. Opportunities do not fall from the sky, you have to go out and meet them, and if one door closes, you have to tell yourself that there are others that will open. Never let negative thoughts close the new horizons available to you.

Life is a long road full of surprises and unexpected situations, and if something goes wrong it’s okay, you can always try again.

Go get what you want, go after your dreams, and let go of what doesn’t or what will never happen to grab the options that are available to you.


Image courtesy of Dani


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