The Importance Of A Psychological First Aid Kit In The Company

The importance of a psychological first aid kit in the company

Any company knows how important it is for its workers to be productive, efficient and able to manage their emotions properly. We cannot forget that workers face significant stress, in addition to sometimes all the problems they may have and which do not fit into the professional environment. It is therefore extremely important to have a psychological rescue kit within the company.

A psychological rescue kit within the company is nothing more than a resource that can be used to ensure the psychological health of workers. Just as we have a first aid kit for possible physical injuries (cuts, falls, rubbing, etc.), it is also necessary to have one to resolve any problems that affect workers psychologically. This will ensure that they are well, healthy and can perform their jobs properly.

The important role of the psychological first aid kit in the company

What does this psychological rescue kit consist of in the company? How is it going to work? For starters, although we’ve only talked about workers, in general,  this type of first aid kit is also intended for managers, directors, associates, and anyone who has a position within the company. Everyone can use this psychological first aid kit when they feel the need.

psychological rescue kit

When a worker, manager, manager or associate suffers from a stress problem, for example, and resorts to this psychological rescue kit, the following measures should be taken:

  • Identify the risk situation  : in which situations does this emotion or problem arise? Are there other times when we can notice his presence?
  • Make an assessment  : an assessment of the situation is carried out and an index of priorities is established. Thus, the main problem affecting the worker is the first that will be solved.
  • Take action  : Once the problem has been resolved and after its assessment, it is necessary to take action so that the worker knows what to do if he finds himself in the same position.
  • Follow up  : Follow up is necessary in every business, especially when someone has needed this psychological first aid kit. The future problems linked to the same risk situation will therefore be avoided.

All these steps can even be carried out in the form of a study of the current situation of the workers within the company, even when none of them comes to ask for help.  Many people think that constant stress is normal, until they experience depression  and their level of productivity and well-being at work is well below what it should be.

A complete analysis, once a year, could avoid many absences  due to al-being, stress or anxiety, which will undoubtedly benefit the company, but especially the worker. It would also help improve results, increase motivation and allow workers to enjoy greater job satisfaction.

An adequate working environment

The psychological rescue kit within the company is simply aimed at creating a suitable working environment  in which workers not only take responsibility, but also do so by feeling good, managing their emotions and being motivated. Getting all of this is largely the responsibility of the company.

The psychological rescue kit within the company will allow workers to benefit from autonomy allowing them to properly manage the time they must devote to the projects in which they participate.

psychological rescue kit

In addition, it will provide clear and concise directions so that there is no doubt as to how to proceed. Indications in certain critical moments and follow-up are necessary here. At the same time, workers will avoid feeling disoriented and not knowing which tasks to prioritize.

In addition, it is also  important to detect any form of harassment or violence that can transform the work in a context of mockery, threats or blackmail We cannot forget that a good relationship between the workers increases the chances of success of their projects. Indeed, a good working environment is often the determining reason for a good worker to decide to stay and not to leave his post for another company.

It is also positive that the worker participates in decisions related to his position in the company, that he feels that the work is distributed in a fair way without some having to take on overload, that there is open communication and recognition. of work done through rewards. All of these will help create a better working environment, suitable for everyone.

We can, with the help of a psychological rescue kit, prevent situations of stress, harassment, lack of understanding, unmanageable workloads and other elements that can affect the motivation and productivity of workers. . Indeed,  workers are not slaves, they are the engine that makes a business prosper. We must therefore ensure their well-being.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Today, companies favor obedient and docile workers at the expense of bright and innovative employees.

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