The Experience Of Having A Spouse With Depression

Living with someone who suffers from depression can be complicated because it involves taking on a lot of burdens. We may even end up taking responsibility for the depressive symptoms of the person affected by this mood disorder.
The experience of having a spouse with depression

Living with a depressed person is difficult. And the burden a caregiver may take on someone with depression can determine their mental health. So it seems that having a spouse with depression can be quite a challenge in a person’s life.

In addition, in comparison with other family members, occupying the place of the spouse of a depressed person is much more complicated. Many load factors will indeed be present if you live with this person or are simply close to them.

It may even happen that the partner takes on the depressive symptoms of the depressed person, as if it were their fault. This highlights the “family” character of depression, which is able to generate a great impact on the lives of those close to those affected by it.

Spouse suffering from depression.

How to adapt to life with a spouse suffering from depression?

Practical changes within a couple relationship occur, in one way or another, along with the development of a new self. This new development allows both the depressed person and their partner to start moving forward in their lives.

Thus, when it comes to coping with spouse’s depression, experts consider that there are several phases. These would be:

  • The adaptation phase.
  • The recovery phase.
  • Getting a new perspective.

Together, these phases could provide a new perspective by integrating depression into the life of a couple. It is therefore a question of finding a balance between concern and emotional distance, in order to limit one’s responsibility. Another emotional strategy that can be very helpful in this situation is to open up to outside support.

Caring for a Spouse Suffering from Depression

It is difficult to have a caring relationship with someone with depression. It is indeed a psychosocial and cyclical process which is not static and which often leads caregivers to need external support.

For couples, the  Ther apie of  torque  can be useful in the early stages to help the depressed person and spouse to understand and make sense of interpersonal changes. It can also be helpful in understanding and anticipating new family dynamics as they arise.

Fight stigma

Addressing the stigma associated with depression is critical to managing real and perceived structural barriers. The search for professional support must become standard to deal with this disorder. It should concern both the person with depression and their caregivers.

Stigma is indeed often what prevents people with depression from seeking help. So it is very important to continue to tackle this problem until it is eradicated.

The depressed person’s spouse or caregivers may also receive help to “overcome challenges”. Fighting stigma can make it easier for them to turn to professionals for help both for themselves and for people with depression.

Self-compassion and self-care

It is necessary, as a caregiver of a person with depression, to achieve a certain point of self-compassion through self-care. Doing this makes it easier to accept the illness of the spouse and to take care of their own emotional needs (1).

Spouse suffering from depression.

the mindfulness

Several studies have shown that mindfulness (which includes training for self-compassion) can be beneficial for people whose spouse suffers from depression. Indeed, mindfulness seems to promote a sense of security regarding the role of caregiver. But more research on the subject is needed.

However, the conclusion we can draw from this is that it is important for those caring for the depressed person to be aware of their psychological needs, as well as of the support that their environment can provide.

Fester's behavioral model to explain depression
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Find out what Fester’s model is, and how it might help and apply in depression.

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