Surpassing Oneself Goes Through The Strengthening Of Self-esteem

Surpassing oneself goes through strengthening self-esteem

How we value who we are, our perceptions and beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of doing depends on our self-esteem.

However, our self-esteem has little to do with our real talent or our abilities, but it is the cornerstone for us to surpass ourselves.

People with low self-esteem or who cannot realize their capabilities will say to themselves, “But why should I be better?” .

Others get bogged down and feel incapable of going any further, blaming the circumstances or those around them. However, we all need to know that it is always possible to surpass ourselves.

“No one can go back and make a new start. However, we can all start today and rewrite the end. ”

-Maria Robinson-

How far can I go?

It is only by knowing yourself and exploring your talents that you will be able to begin to develop to your full potential.

However, this potential that you expect can be repressed by a lack of self-confidence, or by a low self-esteem.

“You can only love yourself if you know who you are”

-Ana Moreno-


However, in this process of exploring our talents, there is only one solution, and that is to face what frightens us the most: ourselves.

This image in which our limits, our past, our wounds and our way of being are chained. We are afraid because we are not sure of success, nor of being able to move forward carrying this heavy emotional bag on our backs .

Just dare to be yourself, to accept yourself as you are and to love yourself unconditionally, because only then can you begin to heal your self-esteem and, therefore, to be in good condition. to unleash your potential.

“Don’t confuse the part with the whole. No one is totally good. Neither totally bad. Assert yourself in what you are good at and review what makes you feel bad. And never forget that you can always change what goes wrong. ”

-Bernardo Stamateas-

Make peace with yourself: accept your weaknesses

Healthy self-esteem implies that we need to be aware of both our strengths and our weaknesses.

Accepting both is what makes self-esteem possible, and even what makes us “lovable” to others.

Everything that we carry within us is part of us. Recognizing our weaknesses gives us the strength to surpass ourselves. Failure to do so makes us vulnerable.

Making peace with yourself allows you to free yourself from limitations that you place on yourself or that you accept from others.

Making peace with yourself involves accepting these weaknesses, relying on them so that you can take the first step towards surpassing yourself.

“If we recognize our weaknesses, then we are strong. We know what we are afraid of, what we are vulnerable to. We decide to overcome our fears to move forward; this is our strength. ”

-Bernardo Stamateas-

What others think of you is not up to you

You can’t please everyone. There’s no point in trying to please everyone, especially if we forget that the first person who should be proud of our actions is ourselves.

No matter what others say or think, at the end of the day we all go our own way.

Your path, your life, it all belongs to you; however, what others think of you is not up to you.

It is not easy to overcome the fear of the gaze of others, of rejection, of what will be said about it, and of the obstacles that this will put in your path.

But know one thing: the words and thoughts of others only have power if you give them power.


Look inward and choose the people you want to please: the audience or the actor.

Keep in mind that your life is not a play based on a specific script written by a writer seeking to satisfy the audience paying the entrance fee.

Remember that a lot of people will only see a limited version of you; no one other than you can better understand your reasons, your goals, your efforts.

And don’t forget either jealousy, which turns people with low self-esteem or low values ​​into petty beings who only measure their success by how well they outperform others; this is the reason why we must avoid these people.

Don’t let this affect you. Surpassing oneself goes through surpassing the gaze of others; see yourself as you are, and not as you would like to be.

“The eyes of others are our prison, and their thoughts our cage.”

-Virginia Woolf-

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