Suppressing Your Emotions Can Make You Sick

Suppressing Your Emotions Can Make You Sick

We all know people who “keep” everything and rarely show their emotions, and we might as well. The problem is,  when we don’t express our negative emotions, resentment and discomfort builds up, and our health eventually suffers. 

Our moods have a direct influence on our physical state. So,  understanding how to deal with our emotions when we are seriously ill can give us a sense of inner stability that gives us a greater chance of recovery.

What are the effects of emotions on the body?

We can release several unhealthy emotions: excessive glee, anger, fear, anxiety, melancholy, sadness, and authoritarianism. Over time, the extremes contained in these emotions wreak havoc on our bodies.

If a person is plagued by internal conflicts, overly preoccupied, or if they find themselves in an emotional situation that they cannot resolve, it is possible that certain organs will begin to malfunction.

– Too much anger can damage the liver.
– Too much fear can damage the kidneys and bladder.
– Excessive joy, such as over-excitement, can damage the heart and small intestine.
– Too much sadness can damage the lungs.
– Excess anxiety can damage the stomach, pancreas and spleen.
– Too much authority and domination over other people can lead to imbalances in the large intestine.

Relationships between organs and emotions

As we just explained,  if one of our major organs is weakened, we will tend to produce the emotions that are related to that organ. For example, if your spleen is suffering from a problem, it is likely that you will become more and more sad.

People who are alcoholic or addicted to certain drugs who have poor liver health tend to get angry. People with weak kidneys are often timid, nervous, or fearful.

We are all prone to emotional extremes because life exposes us to a wide range of intense emotions. People die and leave us overwhelmed with sadness. The behavior of others annoys us, and certain situations sometimes scare us.

What can we do ?

When it comes to controlling our emotions, there are certain activities that can be very useful when it comes to relaxing our body and mind,  such as meditation, breathing exercises, tai chi and more. yoga for example.

Acupuncture can also be effective in finding calm in the storm of our emotions. Flower essences (available at health food stores) and homeopathy are two excellent remedies that will help you change your rigid and blocked internal patterns.

Changes do not happen overnight, but with time and effort, you can become a much calmer person, and as a result, you will notice that your health will get better and better. Negative thoughts and emotions activate stress and suppress the immune system.

Positive thoughts, on the contrary, “turn off” stress and stimulate the immune system. Learning to understand and control your emotions and thoughts will give you more control over your own life, and your health will thank you.

Obviously, if you feel that a particular situation is turning sour and you cannot face it on your own, do not miss the opportunity to consult a private psychotherapist who will be able to help you and guide you in an appropriate way. .

Finally,  do you notice that some of the emotions you are feeling are causing you health problems? Why don’t you try to change something? Why not look for activities that help you find serenity and inner peace? 

Remember that you will reap the benefits of a change in your life; you therefore have nothing to lose, and potentially a lot to gain.

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