Sometimes The Best Solution Is Not Always The Easiest

The safe and recognizable path is not always the best. It may minimize risk, but also reduce our opportunities to learn and take a step forward in our well-being.
Sometimes the best solution is not always the easiest

Often times we are trying to find the best solution to our problems. And we do this by adopting behaviors that are becoming a new problem. We become anchored in our comfortable way of living and refuse to explore new avenues. Adopting other points of view often terrifies us.

The problem is that many times people are content with comfortable but unsatisfying lifestyles. Much conceived life is not in accordance with the main goals or values. But there is “something” that prevents us from successfully avoiding this stone that some people stumble upon.

In this sense, we remain in couple or family relationships which bring us almost nothing or even cause us continuous injuries. We continue to occupy positions which are below our capacities or whose conditions do not benefit us by leaping into the void that would allow us to occupy a position of greater responsibility. This is how we end up thinking that it is the best solution: to be satisfied with the usual.

The familiar tends to be more comfortable and this comfort is overstated, even though deep down in our being we know that comfort does not always equate to benefit. The abyss of the leak is so great that we choose to endure a superficial pain, but continuous rather than a more intense but finished one.

A woman seeking the solution to a problem

Comfort as “the best solution”

Comfort seems to be a highly valued item for human beings. It is true that living comfortably gives us a sense of control which greatly calms our anxiety levels.

If we were to face new situations every day without knowing whether they are good or bad for us, we could die of stress . Therefore, the search for a dose of comfort for our life is not, in itself, harmful.

When does the problem arise? The problem arises when we go for comfort when we really aren’t as comfortable as we think we are. That is to say, what we have in our present is familiar to us, we know how to move like fish in water in our life and it seems that we are able to control what happens to us. But deep down, this is not true. In the first place because from our prism we can control little except ourselves.

In the short term, holding on to what you have may give you peace of mind. But think long term or look back, are you still at the same point, don’t you feel like something is wrong?

Comfort has probably put you in its trap. You have the impression of climbing a ladder that leads to the precipice. You fall and go up the same path with too much incline. This looped entry is familiar and comfortable, but is it the best? As we already know, the best solution is not always one that is easy or comfortable.

A man alone facing the sea

Fear of discomfort

The fear of having to go through uncomfortable situations that we do not control or that could plunge us into negative emotions does not allow us to take new paths.

Our society has taken it upon itself to provide us with the necessary pressure to be happy and suffer as little as possible. It’s like feeling negative emotions is a sign of weakness. We are devastating them to the point of avoiding them at all costs. “Better a known evil than a good which remains to be known” , we often say to ourselves. And with this “I mustn’t have a bad time” we spend our life fleeing all the events that can bring laziness, discomfort, sadness, guilt…

The key, in this sense, is to manage our steps intelligently. The good and the bad. Kick the table, let go of our unfounded fears, and realize that all those monsters that said they were going to appear if we took the plunge, rarely appear. And if they do, they’re not that terrifying. Remember that our mind is always in charge of magnifying everything.

Sometimes the best solution is not the familiar solution, but the most uncomfortable, the most uncertain. For example: “Here I am, and whatever must come, come. I will take care of it in the best possible way. I will cry if the situation calls for it and if I feel like it. And I’ll laugh when that happens. ” In this way, by radically accepting what life brings to us, we will generate new experiences and new learning, leaving precious space for surprise.


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