Shinrin-yoku: Forest Baths To Relax

Do you know this form of Japanese therapy?
Shinrin-yoku: forest baths to relax

Shinrin-yoku  is the name given in Japan for forest baths. It is a therapy to free oneself from the tensions that urban life currently offers. Nature can sometimes be a good ally in improving the health and quality of life of people who suffer from stress in their professional or personal life.

The term Shinrin-yoku means to  absorb the atmosphere of the forest  to avoid diseases related to the stress of large cities. It should not be forgotten that being in contact with stressful situations is one of the causes of long-term illnesses.

Forest therapy or Shinrin-yoku

Forest therapy or  Shinrin-yoku  originated in 1980 at the Forestry Agency of Japan  as an alternative to reduce stress levels. It is a therapy based on Buddhist and Shinto principles which invite full contact with nature. Through the senses,  the person establishes  feedback  with his natural environment to restore his inner peace.

If this therapy was indeed born in Japan, it should be noted that it is gaining more and more followers around the world. In France, it is called “forest bath”. As its name suggests, it consists of traveling through nature. By doing this,  the individual reaches a state of relaxation, without having ingested any remedy.


What are the benefits of Shinrin-yoku  ?

Researchers from the University of Chiba, led by Yoshifumi Miyazaki,  undertook to study the benefits of contact with the forest. Using a stress biomarker, they determined that subjects who were in contact with urban environments had higher levels of cortisol than those who were in contact with a natural environment.

By applying neurobiological techniques, they observed that the forest decreased cognitive activities and increased those related to pleasure. Trees are said to release volatile compounds that are beneficial for the immune system,  called phytoncides.

How is Shinrin-yoku  therapy going ?

Millions of Japanese people affected by stress perform forest therapy every year. In addition, thanks to the various official centers designated by the Forestry Agency of Japan, it is very accessible. Shinrin-yoku  therapy  involves entering a forest and performing various breathing techniques for two hours.

Participants are checked before and after receiving therapy, to see if there have been – or not – improvements. This quickly checks the effectiveness of the treatment, noting substantial changes in well-being. In summary, we can appreciate the importance of  Shinrin-yoku  in our emotional life.

Being exposed to nature does not only improve the psychic balance and the general well-being of the organism. It would also stimulate changes in the nervous system. The  Shinrin-yoku  would have a positive effect on irritability, anger, depression, anxiety and tension.


Shinrin-yoku  : final thoughts

To conclude,  Shinrin-yoku  is a natural treatment to follow at any time in your life. Its practice helps to achieve an optimal state of relaxation. In addition,  contact with nature improves the quality of life and the emotional state. Therefore, breathing, feeling the wind on our face and moving forward without worrying about a thing is one of the pillars that make Shinrin-yoku a true success on a global level.

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