Poetry Is Also A Talent

Poetry is also a talent

If you didn’t know yet, know that a young  Spanish poet won the Got Talent competition  The young Caesar Brandon managed to captivate the audience only with his words. No frills: just with poetry. Alone, on a huge stage, in front of hundreds of people. He touched their hearts with words, without singing, without gesticulating, but reciting poetry.

The point is, Caesar’s life was not a long quiet river. He was born in Equatorial Guinea and emigrated to Spain seven years ago. If writing poetry is not an art for everyone, imagine how difficult it must be to do it in a language that is not yours. Although we are not lacking in skills, we know that  without effort, without work, without hope and without persistence, success is impossible.

Poetry of zero

Caesar made himself known with a poem called the poetry of zero. In the latter, he tells how zero meets one, how they share their happiness. Until he ended up leaving him for the very least. A metaphor for true love, a love that doesn’t last forever, that is based on numbers. 

With a good dose of humor and a rapid flow, César recounts the adventures and misadventures of two figures. But that doesn’t mean the poem is absurd and hollow. Poetry, with all its metaphors, always makes us think. It offers us several interpretations, probably far from the author’s reality but always adjusted to ours. We find an example of this at the end of the poem:  “I started counting until what frightened me the most, infinity; or maybe two ”. What do our fears look like if we look at them closely?

The moon and the earth

On a more dramatic tone, Caesar once again touched the audience by telling them the story of two other lovers, this time very shy. It was the Earth and the Moon. With this wonderful poem, Caesar describes to us the hypothetical things that the Earth would tell the Moon to conquer it. For example,  “that on earth we were all citizens of a place called the first world because the second was not good enough for us and the third was developing”.

Moreover, this poem is full of social criticisms. Lines like  “Refugees are not Internet opinions”  leave no one indifferent. Life is not easy because, as Caesar says, “two quarrel when one does not want to and, on the contrary, two is not enough for one who is looking for three to pretend to be happy at four , until the problem multiplies and four calls 3919 ”


The last poem, the one that won him the competition, has a more solemn tone. As the name suggests, it is dedicated to his mother. The one he compares to the predetermined parameters of Word because he prefers that his mother does not have “the body of Calibri, the eleven points and the zero point of the spacing”. Because he  likes it “straight, double-space and Times New Roman”.

A fair winner

His victory means a lot to lovers of reading and writing. Thanks to him, a discipline as forgotten as poetry is in all conversations. In a country where the reading level is less than a book a year, where the most viewed television programs reject any kind of culture and respect and where fooling around is valued more than work and skill ,  César Brandon was able to make one of his dreams come true. Even if he should be very grateful, it is above all the public who should thank him. Thanks to him, we know that we can still dream.

Poetry is also psychology. To paraphrase Eduardo Galeano,  “scientists say we are made of atoms; however, a little bird told me that we were made of stories “:  this is what people are, stories that can be told in many ways. This is why diversity, multiculturalism and open-mindedness are so important. The richer our vocabulary, the more beautiful our history will be. Talent hides behind opportunities.

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