Love Tears Down Entire Walls

Love tears down entire walls

Love is the most powerful feeling that a human being knows. Beyond the power of hierarchy or the ability to convince other people with words, there is one emotion that is capable of changing people: love.

The highest walls that humans have created around them, and not just physical ones, have been destroyed by this powerful feeling.

Love has enormous power, it is capable of producing deep and permanent changes in us.

The walls of incomprehension

The highest wall that human beings have built is undoubtedly that of incomprehension.

By developing doctrines, traditions, customs, laws and beliefs, everyone is able to protect themselves behind deaf barriers.

There is no more deaf than someone who does not want to hear, just as there is no more blind than someone who does not want to see.

Thus, despite the wise and good words that can be offered to him, a person clinging to an old custom or belief, will rarely give in to reason, because in his head, he refuses to accept it.

This is where love comes in, because a person who has built a high wall around them, based on commonplaces and preconceived ideas, can find understanding, tenderness and flexibility. in a sentiment as sincere and noble as love.

Love is the strategy that will bring flexibility to the walls of incomprehension. 

Love discovers your true being

It’s amazing how sometimes we use reason to describe ourselves.

We look for ideas here and there, usually created by other people who are believed to represent us.


We believe that since we are developing one idea or another, which seems coherent and which makes noise, we do not need anything else.

But it is precisely in this that we protect ourselves, behind the security wall offered to us by the beliefs, customs and thoughts of others, which we internalize.

It is a dangerous exercise because it takes us away from the paths of self-knowledge.

In seeking the safety and comfort of the ideas of others, we only get a distant reflection of who we really are.

Then, when the emotional earthquakes strike the cement of our very existence, we are seldom prepared to understand and absorb them.

With such a disheartening panorama, we miss the great opportunities that life brings to us: we are not able to face them because of our inability to understand our own heart.

Love destroys the walls of beliefs

Beliefs assimilated by society take us away from ourselves, and bring us closer to what others want us to think. However, this does not make us free, nor happy, nor fulfilled.

However, when true love appears, when we feel that we are floating in the air with every step, that happiness takes our soul and our heart with it, we feel that everything we have learned and assimilated loses its meaning. and its importance.

Suddenly, love appears like an earthquake that distorts possessions, preconceptions and commonplaces.

In your heart there is a feeling that cries out to you that the most important thing is this person who loves you and whom you love with all the strength of your soul.

It is then that you realize that you must never go back to the person you used to be. Love has changed you.

Love has broken down all the walls you put up to protect yourself, believing you to be safe behind them.

Yet love does not need walls, protection, or shield. Your own happiness that invades every pore of your skin will make you feel like a fuller and fuller person. You will no longer need to search for other people’s ideas.

Learn to receive love with open arms

If you are not ready to receive love, there will be times of insecurity when you can doubt and be afraid.

In that case, maybe that wonderful feeling will gradually weaken and you will revert to your old ways of false security.


You will then have a good knowledge of yourself and will feel a deep love for the person who is by your side, whom you must blindly trust.

This will allow you to get out of wells and puddles that you can sometimes find yourself submerged in. You will find yourself in this situation without even realizing it.

So, don’t be afraid to open your heart to love. Letting down the walls that you have created over the years that keep you from feeling true happiness and freedom allows you to feel real emotions.

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