Let Nothing And No One Take Your Magic Away From You

Let nothing and no one take away your magic

Your magic is unique. Your way of being is a work of art sculpted on encounters, betrayals, doubts, qualities and faults that sometimes lead you to be irresistibly chaotic, indispensable and authentic.

Obviously, we are not always aware to what extent the magic is present in our actions.

Sometimes we feel sad, pessimistic and weak. Such states serve us to be able to notice the arrival of a burst of pure life, blowing our daily life.

In life, we can be confronted with disappointments, we can already feel too old, and conclude that “before, it was better”.

However, you don’t realize that it’s not what’s going on in your life that robs you of your magic, as only you allow it to fade along the way.


The only way to get your magic back is to get rid of the one you already have

Forget the good memories if the only thing they do is lead you to believe that you will never experience something so beautiful.

Being afraid means that in our life, interesting things can happen. Don’t look at the future the same way you looked at your past because you are no longer the same.


“The mistake we make is to look at yesterday with today’s eyes,
wanting things to go back to how they were before,
when from now on you are no longer the same,
as if sighs could be recycle
or give the same kiss a second time.
The dumb do not cry, the deaf do not see the music,
with the seven letters that we write late
you cannot write today
the love that has been, the one that will never come again. ”


Your magic is the same in the eyes of the wolf who watches for a new opportunity

How can you expect to believe again in beautiful things if you take refuge under the wing of melancholy so comfortable  and  so vo us stay tied to memories and denial in the tunnel of your own forgetfulness?

Melancholy writes poems and songs, paints pictures, listens to complaints and dries up tears… but does not rebuild lives.

So make a fresh start, wounded but wise, and carry as a banner the things you want to focus on in your life: faith, magic, hope and will.


“The hope so sweet,
so polite, so sad,
the promise so light,
serve me nothing,
serve me nothing,
hope so docile ,
hatred so submissive,
so weak, so humble,
the fury so prudent,
do me no good,
no use me, so wise so
much hatred ”

-Mario Bennedetti-


Melancholy is only useful if it encourages you to live the futu

So you go forward, light, but with a heart full of hope; another golden age will come.

If you have confidence and faith in what you deserve, then you will become an actor in your life, and she will give it back to you by making you grow.

You will meet people who will succeed in getting things out of you that you never even knew existed.

The resources you need to get out of this will once again be tested, as will your old fears, the ones that got you out of so much trouble after you managed to overcome them.

The ones that made you a beautiful person, not just another person in the crowd. That emanate from you and that allow you to remain innocent despite the wrinkles that have already deepened on your face.

But, to be worried and to doubt is not a burden. It is having an open book willing to fill with new pages full of emotions and feelings.


What you learn from life is that it’s never too late to enjoy your magic

Throughout life, we learn that even though we feel like we are in control, in fact, something is missing.

The last unfinished are generally the most beautiful. The accumulated mistakes do not turn you into a clumsy or bitter person, but into someone looking for a new opportunity to demonstrate the vast amount of things learned. From now on, you are wiser.

We also learn that the adventure is dangerous, but that the routine is deadly. That sometimes we try to come back to a safe place, like old warriors who, after having come so far, want to heal their wounds, listen to their successes and their regrets.

But, life is a succession of states and experiences through which we must go not with melancholy, but with envy.

You always have to have plans A, B, C and D. If you keep the magic alive, then you will go through all these stages, and the journey will have enchanted you.

So if you isolate yourself in a corner thinking that magic will never come again, look in a mirror and you will find it.

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