Keys To Improving Your Willpower

Willpower is a psychological ability that we can all potentiate and mature if we know the keys to achieving it.
Keys to improving your willpower

We have all set goals for the coming year already, especially in January and September. We start out very lively, but later in many, we end up giving up. So that this does not happen, keep in mind several keys to improving your strength of will.

The motivation, over the days, is lost, as the obligations arrive, as well as fatigue and exhaustion. So to speak, the emotion of the new is over and then we begin to consider surrender. To avoid this situation, we have to use our strength of will, but do we know exactly what it is? We will define it together and then look at how to use it.

What is willpower?

Willpower is the aptitude or ability of a person to pursue a certain goal, to overcome difficulties, distractions and obstacles. However, it is not reflected only in the realization of the accomplishment, but also in the effort that we are forced to make when the current is not pushing us in the right direction. That is to say, do not give up, do not give up, do not give in to desires even if the results are not immediate.

Two of the most typical examples are quitting smoking and playing sports. At first the motivation is great, but then our mind sets obstacles and starts to find excuses to give up. Since these are good habits that cost us dearly, we must overcome these obstacles through greater strength of will.

strength of will and motivation

Effective keys to improve willpower

To improve willpower, it is necessary to be aware that this is a psychological skill to work on. We have to acquire it, and then strengthen it, throughout our life. The keys that we are going to present to you will come to your aid.

Establish clear and realistic goals

Often times, we set ourselves goals that are impossible to achieve. It is the fruit of erroneous visions which, in our mind, represent success, but which do not correspond to the margins that reality gives us, nor to what we can achieve in the times that we have set for ourselves. A very common example is wanting to lose weight and tone our body, so much so that in 1 month the results must be equivalent to the work of a year.

It may sound exciting at first, but when the reality comes, we will see that we must first take into account our constitution, our age, before we launch into battle. Also, there are certain achievements that we will not be able to accelerate, no matter how much we desire. This is how frustration, guilt, despair are born and, of course, the consequence is to throw in the towel.

This is why it is so important to have well defined and structured goals. For example, put yourself in the hands of a professional who will determine the diet that is best suited to what you want to achieve. Not only because he’s studied and it’s his job, but also because we can use his experience to achieve what we want. This measure also allows us to confront our desires with a valid opinion in scientific and practical terms, in order to assess whether our objectives are achievable or not.

Divide tasks into sub-tasks

If, for example, you start a long course in a certain subject and think about everything you need to learn to be successful, you will probably be overwhelmed. However, if you divide this mass of information by subjects or themes, and you divide these into weekly sections, then again into daily points to study, what seemed insurmountable becomes doable. You change your overall view of the situation.

Well, that’s what it’s all about, dividing the big tasks that we have imposed on ourselves into small sub-tasks so that our goal is more achievable.

plan to increase your willpower

Schedule subtasks using a calendar

The classic “tomorrow I start” isn’t worth it, because weeks and months will pass, and then the stress and guilt of procrastinating will come to the fore. You’ve set the goals, the time they’re going to take, and the subtasks, so let’s get to work!

Make a calendar and schedule with the daily distribution of subtasks, set schedules that you can honor without problems, neither too short nor too long and at times of the day when you have no obligation, so that the stress level does not increase.

As you move forward, you will see how your action plan will be strengthened. You will see the results, you will appreciate the consequences. Thus, when the habit is well established, the volume of willpower that you will have to use will be reduced. What used to cost you a lot is now just an automatic process.

Limit the number of objectives

It is not advisable to fill our agenda with goals that require a great deal of willpower. Streamline your willpower, just like you plan your time. Both are limited resources, although in some situations it may seem the opposite.

Finally, let’s end with a simple idea. Reducing the level of willpower that we use to support our daily lives is a good sign, it shows that our vital planning is good. It also means that we have been able to generate a current and that we are taking advantage of it.


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