It’s When You Don’t Wait For Anything To Happen

It's when you don't wait for it all to happen

I watch life with tranquility, clearing the fears, selfishness and negative ideas that are holding up my path. My mind is open to all positive things. I am not expecting anything, but I am waiting for everything. Because in the end, everything ends up happening.

It’s when you don’t wait for anything to happen ”, have you ever heard this kind of phrase? It is curious to analyze the simple realities behind these phrases or expressions of popular psychology.

It is very likely that more than one person thinks that this idea of ​​“expecting nothing” contains a certain defeatist attitude of one who allows himself to be carried by the strings of others and by the force of circumstances.

However, it is quite the opposite. Not expecting anything and letting things happen when they have to happen, is to act with balance, openness and inner permissiveness.

Day after day, we usually accumulate a lot of limiting attitudes and thoughts, and we do it almost without even realizing it …

“I am not going to offer him that because he is going to say no to me”. “Better if I try another day because I’m going to fail for sure”, “With me things never go well, so if it’s to make it go wrong, you might as well not even to try…”.

Sometimes we put obstacles in our way to prevent things from happening. We must be open, open-minded and open-hearted. Here are a few tips.

Eliminate limiting attitudes

Let’s start with a little thought: if we aren’t aware of our own limiting attitudes, we can never break down those walls that keep things from happening.

To realize all these things that “lodge” in our interior, which cut off our wings in our development and which reduce part of our happiness, we must understand where the limiting attitudes come from:

-Our education

Much of who we are today comes from all of those early stages in which we bonded with our father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and siblings.

If these did not offer us security, if they criticized our thoughts and ideas, if they overprotected us or did not show us affection, all of this left its mark on us.

It is very likely that as you mature, you will try to change most of these limiting attitudes within yourself.

Echoes of a traumatic childhood usually tend to limit us in many ways.

Don’t let that happen. Never stop trusting others, let alone the fact that eventually everything will happen.

dream Catcher

– Negative experiences poorly managed

Life is not always easy, and depending on the attitude and personal strategies with which we face things, we will obtain this or that learning.

If your other half leaves you, never make the mistake of thinking that you don’t deserve to be loved.

Face this pain with strength, move forward with your head held high and open your hopes for life by daring to love again and agreeing to let yourself be loved.

If you are unsuccessful on a project, don’t give up, and don’t think of ideas like those that try to make you think you can’t do it.

Restructure your thoughts, learn from your mistakes, learn lessons, and focus on that goal again.

Sometimes most of these limiting attitudes are part of our own personality, of our indecision, of our fears, and of the fact that we close doors without even realizing it because we prefer to stay very quiet in our “circle of care”. security”.

Allow yourself to wait for nothing but to dream a little

It’s not about expecting anything at all, but about restructuring our attitude a bit towards life, towards ourselves, by allowing things to happen.

Here’s how :

– Avoid “tunnel vision”. We have all experienced it at least once. These are the moments when we focus on something concrete, losing the ability to see what is going on around us.

There may be days when you think that nothing has a solution, that things are “as they are” and that there is no cure for the inevitable.

Turn off these kinds of thoughts. Be careful, neither should we adopt a “blind positivism” which would create false hopes.

Get some fresh air, don’t expect anything but keep your mind open by observing everything around you, and let yourself be carried away with hope and tranquility.

– Put aside what you feel and think about what you need instead. Sometimes feelings blind us and prevent us from seeing clearly.

There are times when love, for example, even if it causes us unhappiness, it binds us to a relationship from which we do not want to “break away”.


Our attitude to life should always be open, quiet and secure.

Always be sure of your daily priorities and things will flow as they were meant to. At your own pace.

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