Introversion With High Functioning Anxiety: Do You Recognize Yourself?

Introversion with high functioning anxiety is more common than we think. This profile often hides what we call “secret anxiety”. Thus, and despite the fact of always displaying an admirable serenity, these people accumulate in them, as in an impossible puzzle, an excessive concern, a need for escape, for perfectionism …
Introversion with High Functioning Anxiety: Do you recognize yourself?

Much has been written about introversion with high functioning anxiety. For a few years now, we have been witnessing this “silent” awakening where introverts are gradually finding their place. We cannot however hide the fact that our society, and in particular the world of business, school or university, is more oriented towards this more open, sociable and, in essence, extroverted profile.

Books, such as “ The Power of Introverts”  by Susan Cain, shed light on the qualities that usually define this type of psychological profile. Factors such as creativity, empathy, reflection, or the ability to resolve conflicts, are dimensions that can place introverts in positions of exceptional leadership. These characteristics make them feel more efficient day by day.

While it is necessary to highlight their values, strengths and capacities, it is also essential to know this more complex and often weakening side. We are all, regardless of our personality, more or less likely to suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder. The introversion is nevertheless very familiar with the integration of an anxiety model very special and camouflaged that it is necessary to know.

introversion with high functioning anxiety


Introversion with high functioning anxiety: what is it?

We often say that the most precious treasures are found in the depths. We all know that these abyssal and deep worlds are nonetheless inhabited by darkness and other threats. Living in these strata therefore has its advantages and disadvantages: there are characteristic dangers and threats.

Before we define what high functioning anxiety introversion is, let’s think about this idea. The i ntroversion / extroversion is a continuum. In other words, we are all there, whether it is at an intermediate level, a little higher or lower. Those at the extremes usually have pathological features, so it is very difficult to enjoy a good quality of life, to be productive or even to take care of one’s social relationships.

People characterized by introversion with high functioning anxiety are not in this extreme, but almost. They therefore generally lead a normal life, with their responsibilities, jobs and relationships (hence “high functioning”). They contain a well-camouflaged secret emotional labyrinth where fear searches for a way out, where insecurity collides with continuous contradiction and where constant worry hits the wall… again and again.

Let’s see what are the characteristics of introversion with high functioning anxiety.

These people feel a constant need to defend themselves from “something”

Introversion with high functioning anxiety is characterized by vigilant people and a defensive attitude. There is always something that worries them, threatens them or bothers them. Their mind is never calm. It could be an appointment, an interview, a project to accomplish. In other words, events that force them to leave their comfort zone, generating high levels of anxiety.

They are internally afraid, but seem sure of themselves

The most striking thing about an introvert with high functioning anxiety is that he rarely loses his papers. He is balanced, calm and in control, on the surface. These are characteristics that others perceive without knowing that something very different is going on with him. That they’re torn between fear and insecurity.

This continuous effort to appear tempered and purposeful can be exhausting. It is a matter of falling into contradiction, of hiding the fear every day of putting on an armor whose weight increases day after day.

introversion with high functioning anxiety


They see the world differently and feel alone

Introverts need more relaxed scenarios to feel good, to fulfill themselves, to work, to meet themselves. Some feel good in their private and exclusive corners. Others, on the other hand, experience this loneliness in different ways. They feel frustrated, therefore, not to be understood. Angry that others do not understand their needs, their way of experiencing life …

They need everything to be perfect

Introversion with high functioning anxiety is also defined by high perfectionism. People who suffer from it are demanding and self-demanding. According to them, perfectionism offers a feeling of control. And something under control brings positive rewards. This reasoning is an inexhaustible source of suffering.

They suffer from pain, tics, exhaustion, nervousness, etc.

This “secret” anxiety of introverts manifests itself in different ways. It is common to suffer from psychosomatic illnesses such as skin problems, digestive problems, headaches, muscle pain, nervous tics … These are channels of the body itself to express this inner anxiety, this constant preoccupation. , this need to defend the world and what they cannot control.

A common feature of this personality profile is therefore its way of expressing itself. They often speak with nervousness and haste, so that others may even mistake them for extroverts. It is, however, an additional symptom of this internal anguish, of this inner ball so complex.


To conclude. It is best to seek professional help if we feel identified with this profile. Introversion with high functioning anxiety is usually chronic. We normalize it to the point of living with it for years, until the sequelae appear, such as psychosomatic illnesses or other more serious psychological disorders.

So let’s take the plunge to get out of this labyrinth of anxiety and live with more balance.


The 6 best books to understand the introverted personality
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Books about introverted personality are a great way to dispel a number of false myths associated with this profile.

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