If You Feel The Need, Cry!

If you feel the need, cry!

Contrary to what you might think, humans aren’t the only ones who cry. All mammals are able to show their pain, loneliness and sadness in this way. The biggest difference is that we are taught when is the right time to cry.

Girls are told that it’s okay to cry because it’s a way of expressing yourself, and then blame them for being too sensitive.

On the other hand, boys are taught not to cry, because it is a sign of cowardice. And that’s how we grow; some may enjoy more “freedom”, and others are more subject to repression.

Cry when you need to! Read the rest of this article, and you will discover several good reasons to do so.


“To cry, yes: but to cry while standing, while working; better to sow a harvest than to cry over what we have lost ”

-Alejandro Casona-

Cry, and explore your feelings more deeply

Cry and discover feelings and other emotions that you may have already forgotten. Have you ever started crying for something and ended up crying for a completely different reason?

If so, this may be because you don’t give yourself the opportunity to externalize your emotions as soon as they arise.


“Crying is not being weak, no; cry, and since the day you were born, it is a clue that you are alive ”

-Charlotte Brontë-



By letting anger and pain build up inside you without fighting against them, they turn into real poison.

Some people prefer to keep these emotions as far away as possible, but this is a mistake, because the deeper you go, the better you can get to know yourself, and the more free you can be.

Dare to come up against your fears, your deepest aspirations. Only by digging there can you really feel free.

Cry, and wash your soul

Just as we wash our bodies while taking a shower, we wash our souls while crying. After you cry, you will feel liberated, energized, and filled with an urge to keep moving forward, even though the future may not be looking good.

There are so many things that we accumulate without daring to let go for fear that then everything will become complicated and be a source of suffering, whether for us or for others …

The problem is, if you keep all of this sadness and frustrations and fears and anger within you, you are hurting yourself.


“Sometimes we are not given a choice between tears and laughter, but only between tears; then, we have to opt for the most beautiful of them ”

-Maurice Maeterlinck-

The next step will be to put in place a strategy in order to keep moving forward and to solve the problems left unanswered.

Don’t stop, and cry all the tears that you need to cry to then move on. After all, we also cry for joy.

Cry, and avoid health problems

Sometimes we forget that our mind and body are connected, and therefore we treat them as if they were two totally different things. Now, this is a serious mistake, because when the mind is bad, the body is sick.


This is why it is not uncommon to see people who are depressed or deeply lonely with serious physical health problems.

Think, for example, of stress, which causes back pain. Pay attention to your body, and cry loosely when you feel the need to.

Your body is much smarter than you think, and it will always give you signals that tell you what your needs are.


“Tears are running down my cheeks, but I don’t even have to open my eyes. What makes me cry like this? There is nothing here that can make me sad. Maybe my brain has liquefied. In any case, my past happy moments are completely out of my memory, if there ever was any in my life ”

-Samuel Beckett-

Cry because it reminds you that you are human

Cry not only for your health, but also cry to connect with your more human side. We grow up with the idea that crying makes us weak. Sometimes it does, but it’s also a way to get in touch with your most human and fragile side.


“Very often tears are the last smile of the soul”



Give yourself the opportunity to cry in front of others, even if you think such a thing might be rare or bothersome for them.

Your tears can help you express your feelings better, and if they are real, no one has the right to stop you from externalizing them.

What you should avoid is using crying as blackmail. If you feel the urge to cry, don’t be ashamed of it.

There is no valid reason that could prevent you from doing this. Forget the idea of ​​thinking that crying is wrong!

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