I Will Continue To Love You Despite The Distance

I will continue to love you despite the distance

Distance is always complicated to manage in couple relationships, it is a test of fire that will determine if the couple is strong enough not to separate.

But, why do some people refuse to keep a love at bay? Why do others manage to come out of this situation stronger?

Many couples, when life circumstances force them to distance themselves in some way or another, opt to end the relationship.

They do it without thinking about it and do not realize that distance is on the contrary a situation that could save their couple.

However, other more reckless partners take the plunge, trying to overcome this obstacle which is much smaller than one might think.

The difficulty of long-distance love

Distance always seems difficult, as it prevents the physical contact that any couple needs.

We believe that if our relationship lacks this important aspect, the love will fall apart and it will all be over in no time.

But, instead of anticipating things so tragically, why not just give it a go?

Many people, particularly because of work, have to leave their place of residence for a long period of time.

Some see it as a challenge, others as a problem. Why such a different state of mind?

People who are independent, even if they are in a relationship, appreciate these kinds of challenges.

They are people who need a strong emotional contact and who know how to maintain it, despite the physical distance.


On the other hand, distance can seem like an insurmountable obstacle at the start, especially if the couple has never had to face it.

People who survive this difficult first phase manage to adapt in one way or another, creating their own mechanisms to cushion the consequences of this problem: a daily call, a letter from time to time, a big dose of patience, etc.

However, if this distance has no end, a third stage will appear in which the problem will turn into an obstacle that will continue to grow.

The wounds will no longer have any hope of being cured and both partners will begin to realize the obvious.

This is why it is necessary to determine a precise moment during which the distance will definitively end.

Being far is not a barrier

How do couples who manage to maintain their relationship despite the distance? Is distance fundamentally an insurmountable barrier?

The obstacles in our existence, in most cases, we create them ourselves.

Distance is just one step in the relationship that you can overcome, even appreciate.

If you have been through this situation before or have had to face similar circumstances, you already know that there are certain keys to being able to overcome it.

If that’s not your case, here are some great tips to help you get there:

  • Maintain contact: without contact, you will become two real strangers. Take advantage of all that technology can offer you to communicate properly with your partner.
    Talk about your daily life, share your fears, your doubts and your dreams. Ultimately, just keep in touch with the person you love.
  • Trust: Jealousy can easily arise in a long-distance relationship and it is a situation that can do a lot of harm to the couple.
    It is important that you trust your partner. For that, you will absolutely have to talk about your relationship. As you can see, nothing can be done without good communication.
  • Be flexible: just because your partner is far away does not mean that they are not allowed to enjoy their personal space.
    Don’t get upset if he doesn’t answer you every now and then or if he doesn’t keep in touch as often as you would like. His occupations are perhaps very time consuming.
    If you want to avoid absurd and damaging discussions, be flexible.

If you want you can

The relationship of a couple is not a long quiet river. As in all relationships, there are good times and bad times.

The big question is whether you are willing to do anything for your relationship or if you want to let it fall apart.

If the two members of the couple want to maintain it, the distance will change absolutely nothing in their relationship.

Obviously, this situation is not the easiest, but who said that what we want in life is priceless?

Everything we want has a cost, takes effort. Life would be boring if everything was easy!


The things that take the most effort from us are the most important. We feel invincible when we manage to overcome them.

Don’t turn down a long-distance relationship for fear that it won’t work out. Love is capable of anything.

Have you ever had a long-distance relationship? Do you think they are difficult to maintain? We all have a different experience and outlook on life, on our relationships.

However, we can all come to the conclusion that if the love is true, both members of the couple do everything they can not to let any obstacles stand in their way.


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