I Am Already That Person Who Knows Where She Is Going And Where She Must Not Return

I am already that person who knows where she is going and where she must not return

We all have an emptiness in our heart, a remote place where we come back to our minds, but where we will never set foot again for real.

There are places, scenes, people and things that are rooted in our past and that make us who we are.

It is the experience of lived acts, lost loves, frustrations, disillusions and contained happiness that will never return.

How many times have you felt lost in your life? In fact, this disorientation is something that one will feel for a while, because nothing in this world is safe.


We are used to life putting obstacles in our way, but in reality, the real limits we face are ourselves who set them. If something hurts you, wears you out, or destroys you from the inside out, then tear down that wall and vow never to come back.


What really matters is where you should never go back.

Sometimes distance is the only answer to our unhappiness, and every step we take in the opposite direction is one step closer to our personal development. However, to get there, you have to show courage …

I’m already that person who knows where she’s going


Knowing where we are going is not having a frozen destiny. What we are talking about here are goals, projects, and above all self-knowledge.


There should always come a time in our life when we stop feeling the need to find ourselves with our “selves” in order to create ourselves. Desire creates thought, and thought is a powerful weapon that will guide us to our true path.


If we stop for a moment to ask ourselves if we know where we are going, it will be difficult for us to provide a sure answer to this question.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? All we can know is what we have here and now, but tomorrow is nothing more than water flowing through our fingers.

  • A person knows where they are going when they feel sure of themselves and experience has taught them the importance of courage and patience. Everything happens to those who know how to wait.
  • A person knows where he is going when he is confident, when he is open-minded and knows how to sense reality.
  • A person knows where they are going when they give themselves what they deserve and allow themselves what they need.
  • You know where you’re going when you stop believing that life has to be perfect to be great.
  • A person knows where he is going when he realizes what he is capable of doing.

These discoveries do not happen overnight. It is a gradual process, a path to be followed throughout this interval called “life” where one must always go in the same direction: forward.

Places of no return, hearts to which not to return


If you don’t let go of the past, which hand will you catch the future with?

Indeed, sometimes, it is necessary to look behind you and to take enough distance with who has hurt us, with this experience which made us change, or with this place which sends us back to a past that we do not understand. identifies more.


Showing real courage is not about letting go of the people who have hurt us, but rather about learning to let go of that part of you that remains in them.


However, we know that it is not easy to decide not to go back there.

The act of leaving, giving up, or distancing oneself from something or someone, supposes above all to sever a bond, be it family, love or friendship.

In all cases, we are necessarily confronted with a type of emotional suffering.

  • To let go of someone or something is to distance oneself not only from that person, but also from this identity that one has forged with this particular person.
  • Leaving involves having to reconnect with ourselves to heal this wound, to reinvent ourselves, to move forward, and to grow.
  • When the bond breaks and the wound heals, it involves not only learning, but internal change as well.
    To leave something is to lose it, but sometimes that loss can be seen as gain, as personal development.


While finding what you are looking for, be happy with what you have. Life is an exciting change in which sometimes one has to leave behind places where it is best never to return.

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