Humility: Noble People Who Do Not Believe Themselves Above Others

Humility: noble people who do not believe themselves above others

We all love noble and humble people who do not believe themselves to be above others, who share the feeling that knowing your own limits is important  and who do not need to show off all their qualities.

Noble people shy away from false modesty, don’t think that they do everything better than everyone else, don’t suffer from narcissistic pride or a disproportionate ego.

People who put on superior airs seem unbearable to them, not to say execrable.

As we will see in the rest of this article, the fact of looking down on others and judging what they have, or what they do not have, very often results from certain deficiencies, from deep existential voids. , who guide some people on the wrong path to self-sufficiency.

These people often make a lot of noise about nothing.


A lesson in humility

“I was walking with my father when he stopped on a bend, and after a brief silence, asked me:

-In addition to the birdsong, do you hear anything else?

I listened very carefully, and a few seconds later I answered him:

-I hear the sound of a cart.

– You see, my father told me, is an empty cart.

-How do you know it’s an empty cart when we can’t even see it? I asked him.

-It’s very simple, he replied. You can recognize an empty cart by the noise. The more empty the cart, the more noise it makes.

I am now an adult, but when I see someone who talks all the time, who interrupts everyone’s conversations, who behaves inappropriately or even violently, who shows great pretension, who feels superior and who belittles the others, I have the impression of hearing my father’s voice telling me:

-The more empty the cart, the more noise it makes. ”


Tell me what makes you pretentious and I’ll tell you what you lack

Successful people are those who don’t need to compete with others or be right all the time.

They also do not feel the need to lie or to hide behind appearances, because they prefer to be so much the action, in the temperance and in the know-how.

Unfortunately, some people are so empty that their cart makes a lot of noise, that they need to be presumptuous and to brag, that they do not contemplate the emotional reality around them and that they absolutely need to demonstrate. their value by saying empty words and breaking open doors.

This inner emptiness is the consequence of low self-esteem, lack of certain abilities and faulty emotional upbringing.

For all these reasons, it is very important to work on our voids, our deficiencies and our capacities, so as not to fall into the contempt of others.


However, when we manage to achieve a goal that is important to us, it is normal and usual to feel proud.

However, there is a difference between pride felt after achieving difficult success and that experienced out of mere arrogance or contempt for others.

To remain humble in the face of our successes and achievements, we must keep two principles in mind that hold the glue of noble people:

  • You don’t have to be pretentious about your successes, just wait for others to follow your lead.
    Improving yourself while pulling others up is the key to true success.
  • It is not necessary to claim from life what you lack, you must obtain it by your own actions.
  • Nothing we can achieve can make us worthy of feeling superior to others. Only kindness and humility can help us elevate ourselves. These are two of the fundamental pillars that support the happiness we can all experience in our existence.


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