Honest People: Characteristics And Behaviors

Honest people don’t feel the need to please everyone. They hate hypocrisy and don’t hesitate to use the only language they know. Namely sincerity.
Honest people: characteristics and behaviors

Honest people are loyal and steadfast in their beliefs. Even though they may feel uncomfortable at times, they are very adept at forming powerful and meaningful connections with worthy people.

It is often said that  everyone praises and defends the truth. However, when a person dares to be honest, he always ends up being singled out and criticized. It is therefore not easy to maintain consistency between what we think and what we do. We know how we feel, but we end up communicating just the opposite. And we do it because of social “norms”, for fear of doing harm or attracting attention.

That’s why honest people are so precious. We find in them a good dose of courage. And the desire to maintain consistency. Few social and psychological values ​​are as necessary as honesty. This dimension that Thomas Jefferson considered the first chapter of wisdom. And that Mark Twain defined as the best lost art.

Anyway, one aspect is clear: we are faced with a quality that we always demand from others. Thanks to it, we can build relationships based on trust. We need to know that the person we have in front of us and whom we love or respect as a friend or co-worker is genuine. And authentic at all times.

honest people

Honest people: how to identify them?

Honest people don’t have signs or t-shirts with a  hashtag  that says they are. We must learn to recognize them for ourselves. A good way to do this is to listen. To observe. To connect with those around us. And, of course, to take into account a detail:  honesty does not need justification. Let’s take a closer look at these ideas.

Honest people don’t waste time with people they don’t like

The Julius-Maximilians University in Würzburg, Germany, carried out a study to further explore this dimension. A first aspect that has been discovered is that honest people save time in a lot of their conversations. They get straight to the point. They don’t waste their time when someone or something doesn’t appeal to them. Or don’t fit in with their values. They use their assertiveness and respect to distance themselves.

In doing this, they neither give nor expect justification. They know  that it is not adequate to prolong situations which, over time, may become counterproductive.

They don’t lie and don’t tolerate lies

Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology. He wrote a very interesting book called  “Why do we lie… and especially to ourselves: the science of deception”.  According to him,  we all think we are honest. It doesn’t matter whether we lie, whether what we think and say is light years away from reality. We almost always maintain this pristine image of ourselves and our honesty.

Honest people, those who are honest in their mind, through their words and behavior, do not tolerate deceiving themselves or others. They don’t lie because in doing so they experience a very awkward cognitive dissonance that attacks their identity and self-esteem.


Calm personalities, quiet minds

Honest people are happier and have better health. This is what reveals to us, for example, Anita E. Kelly, professor of psychology at the University of Notre-Dame de Paris. According to this study,  being sincere, not lying and being constantly true with yourself and what you say or do generates greater well-being. This internal balance, this mental peace has effects on health.

They know how to build more meaningful relationships

Dishonesty and showing little integrity means a double effort for these types of people. It is this cognitive dissonance that causes them unease, tension and discomfort. Above all else, honest people want to be able to build relationships based on trust. They do not only show themselves in an authentic, sincere and respectful way with those around them: they also demand these qualities from the people who accompany them on a daily basis.

Maybe that’s why they don’t have a lot of friends. But if they have a few, they are always the most adequate. The most authentic. Those which allow continuous and satisfactory reciprocity.

honest people

In conclusion, we only need one aspect to point out. Honesty is an ethical principle, a value that helps create a more honest and healthy society. However, this dimension that we all think we have does not always apply in a real and respectful way. We often fall for the complacent lies, the ones which camouflage truths and feelings.

We can’t always say what we think; some filters are therefore often recommended. Despite everything,  if she wears more or less makeup, sincerity is a very important pillar of respect for others. And to ourselves.


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Our thoughts Our thoughts

It would be best to use the truth to help and sincerity to build, but never to destroy or bring down others. …

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