Fifty: Long Live The Middle Age!

Fifty: long live the middle age!

Until just a few decades ago, 50-year-old women were seen as pleasant grandmothers. At this age, it was believed that they already had to prepare to retire from professional life and that their emotional life was a resolute and defined subject.

One of the most notable cultural changes of recent years is precisely that of age roles. And this has notably changed in women. Before, for example, it was not uncommon for 18-year-old girls to get married. Today, most women of this age have no short-term marriage plans.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether they are 20 or 80 years old. Anyone who continues to learn stays young. ”

-Henr y Ford

It’s the same with middle-aged women. 50 is no longer the age to “get out of circulation”. On the contrary, what we observe is that many women take advantage of this decade of their life to do productive things and to motivate themselves to live new experiences that had remained in the inkwell, mainly for lack of time. .

We know, for example, that the number of 50-year-old women who are divorcing is on the rise. The number of women who, at this age, start a business or business is also increasing. Far from feeling that it is the end, many women of this age are embarking on a new beginning.

Women in middle age

Middle age is a time of great change, in every sense of the word. The biological clock indicates that the fertile cycle is ending. The skin is no longer so firm and tight, we discover that the smile lines remain on the face even when we are serious. You can’t eat a slice of pizza in the middle of the night anymore, if you don’t want to have a terrible morning wake-up call.

Physical changes bring about stages of deep instability. Women this age have to get used to living in a new body and it is not always easy. They must accept that the standards by which they assess their worth change. Some never accept it and always try to regain their 20-year-old girl skin.

50 is also an age of equilibrium. We have acquired significant experience and maturity. At the same time, we still have great vitality. There are classified ads in life that say the eclipse is coming soon. This is why for many women it is time to make important decisions that previously had not been considered.

The prospect of love and the couple is completely different now. We love with more serenity. People in their fifties now feel more capable of letting go and of leaving. This is why their relationships are more free and healthy. There is more realism and the expectations of love take on more precise dimensions.

The professional role at a wonderful age

Some have children and have had to divide their time between work and education. Many felt they were doing both things halfway. But at this age, education is often over. The children are now independent adults, who do not need maternal care to continue living.

Most 50-year-old women work, or have a professional role. At the end of education, they turn again to this work which they could previously have experienced as a hindrance, but which is now becoming something fundamental. It is common for them to discover new motivations or goals. Many at this age decide to go to college or enroll in courses on subjects that interest them.

The fifties are a great decade to face new professional challenges. The work experience can be considerable and many feel that they have come to a new stage. They can start their own business, or reorient their professional life. It’s a wonderful time for that.

Some learn to live in a different way, and with better time. It’s a perfect time.  Others succumb to unnecessary nostalgia because of the years that are gone and will not return. But all 50-year-olds, of course, have the tools to put things in order and enjoy an age when everything can be better.

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