Exhausted Mothers: Burnout Syndrome

Exhausted mothers: burnout syndrome

We want to be in control and we succumb to exhaustion  when it seems like we are. Managing to reconcile work, family, marriage, home, friends… is an increasingly common problem. Our lives are busy over the years. More and more responsibilities are appearing and we want to assume them all. This is one of the reasons we might end up suffering from burnout syndrome.

Fathers and mothers, who sometimes see their interests canceled in favor of those of their children, are among those most affected by this syndrome. Now is the time to act if you are. If we neglect ourselves, paradoxical as it may seem, we will end up exhausted, without strength, and further neglect our children.

Exhausted mothers affected by burnout syndrome

This syndrome involves feeling stress  int ense and damaging due to unsuccessful attempts to reconcile parenthood, social or take care of yourself. This is often a problem that affects mothers, since they are the ones who have traditionally taken care of their children. Fortunately, more and more fathers are exercising their role as such, even if this means that they too are affected by stress.

 burnout syndrome

The burnout syndrome that   characterizes exhausted mothers is essentially  a very acute or chronic stress that occurs when they feel that everything is overflowing,  that everything is badly done, that they do not control anything. Feeling stress keeps us alive. This is the result of the segregation of adrenaline or cortisol, hormones that once helped us stay alive or be ready to run for our lives in the face of a predator. The problem arises when this threat does not really exist.

The causes of our stress today are very different. Our bodies, however, continue to prepare us for primitive survival situations. This is why it  is essential to correctly define our priorities.

What are the causes of this syndrome?

As we have already stated,  the main cause of burnout syndrome is the stress generated by the attempts to combine or reconcile the most important aspects of our life. Family, friends, work, our private life… are essential for us. Not being able to reconcile them all without falling into neglect generates frustration and anger.

Although it may sound silly, we often think that we are able to go to work early, take care of the children, lead a healthy couple life, reunite the family once a week, go out at night with friends and to rest quietly. We are unfortunately not superheroes or superheroines. We  must learn to organize our time based on a real perspective .

So how can we detect it?

Knowing if we are exhausted mothers with burnout syndrome is simple. If we are affected, we will not be able to reconcile sleep well, we will obsessively think about the free time we do not have, we will blame the people around us for our problems. We prefer to isolate ourselves and leave social life behind to take a break and doze off on the couch. It will lead to isolation. Those who are dear to us may stop relying on us, making us feel lonely and guilty.

 burnout syndrome

How to act in the face of burnout syndrome  ?

To solve the problem, it is essential that:

  • We accept that we cannot do everything.  We are not able to do everything we would like. Indeed, we sometimes think that we have time for responsibilities and leisure, which is not always true.
  • We  delegated our obligations. We should not be afraid to leave responsibilities in the hands of others when our health is at stake. So that we can rest and assume them again when we are better.
  • We give up some of our wishes when we cannot delegate. If we don’t have time to clean and tidy the house, maybe we can’t afford a bigger one. Or, if we don’t have time for ourselves, it might not be appropriate to adopt a pet even if the children want to.
  • We must first order our mind, that is, establish priorities, to order our life. Some aspects of our life may seem fundamental to us when in reality they are not. It is important to think about what we could do without.
  • Don’t blame ourselves (or others). Guilt is a feeling that keeps us from moving forward. Who blocks us. Remember that while our intentions are good when trying to reconcile everything, we need to eliminate the temptation to blame ourselves if the goal is not met. It would be good on the other hand to try to find solutions, as well as to avoid blaming the people around us, even if it relieves us momentarily.

We shouldn’t feel a sense of failure for not being able to control everything. Our mind is larger than our hands, which is not bad. Our main goal should be to find the time to enjoy these little moments, both alone and with others, to find peace and to pass it on to those around us.

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