Each Person Has Their Own Internal Battle

Each person has their own internal battle

It is important to bear in mind that each person fights their own internal battle (some even experience World War III). A battle of which we very often ignore the most important details because they are only in the mind of the one who is fighting. On the other hand, a person with good or bad intentions is rarely aware of the harm they can do to others or that they can inflict on themselves.

This unconsciousness becomes very frequent for a precise reason: our mind is like a locomotive that constantly creates thoughts, in a frenetic and dizzying way. He studies everything from all angles, he makes assumptions about what is going on around us, he makes assumptions, he creates new ideas and concepts, he thinks, rethinks, anticipates the worst and makes judgments. on everything… And even on ourselves, of course.

This incessant pounding tortures us, hurts us and leaves us with a “mental trash” to remember. Scientists claim that we have over 60,000 thoughts a day. It is estimated that many of these thoughts (around 80%), in the majority of people, are negative, toxic, dysfunctional …

Most of the time, we act automatically. We are therefore extremely influenced by our beliefs and convictions that were formed in our childhood, until we take root through our experiences. Some of these beliefs are found in our subconscious, and it is from them that the most immediate thoughts and judgments arise.

The spirit and its lies

If some of your beliefs are wrong or unhealthy, so will a lot of thoughts and judgments. We are constantly judging: we judge ourselves, we judge others… But what is certain is that it only results in suffering. Our minds make judgments to protect us, out of survival instinct, but that does not mean that those judgments support the purpose for which they were “summoned”.

We think that the other has the same point of view as us, and that is mainly why we suffer so much. But this is not the case. Everyone sees life in a different way: when something has a certain meaning to you, another person may not see it the same way. And in this lie which consists in believing that we should all have the same point of view (which would be our own, of course), we dare to judge the other. We even dare to judge ourselves, forgetting that there is a deception pushing us to judge the past from the future: in fact, we already know the consequences of an action which was then not sure but probable.

In any case, it is not the others that make you suffer but the expectations that you place in them. We expect others to be as we wanted them to be and we are unable to accept them as they really are. This is the beginning and the end of our battle.

Paradoxically, when you stop judging and crushing others, you stop judging and crushing yourself: the way we judge is similar to the way we judge ourselves.

Acceptance and love are the only remedies

When you accept your essence (and even all of your shadows), you begin to see the shadows of others with benevolence. When we believe that someone is attacking us, it may be, deep down, that person is fighting their own internal battle. She does this from her subconscious, emotional wounds, and survival strategies learned as a child, when she felt deeply hurt in her quest for love and acceptance. Sometimes, even very often, all of this prompts her to act in a specific way.

So,  when you think that someone is attacking you, remember that it is probably not a conscious attack  but a shadow that you imagine yourself or that the other casts unintentionally, at least without wanting to.

Love increases when judgment decreases.

We have to accept that other people don’t behave the way we would like them to or pay attention to us the way we would like them to. We are there to love before judging and to feel before reasoning. So if someone draws a circle to exclude you, draw a larger one to include it.

Remember that love increases as judgment becomes flexible, compassionate, and understanding. Love brings us happiness; strict judgment brings us suffering. Do not see love as something that can disappear, such as an effort or a punishment: unconditional love goes beyond all of this.

Victim or responsible for the battle?

If we stop judging and start looking with our hearts, our sufferings will gradually disappear. You have the choice between being a victim or being responsible. The victim justifies, lies, feels guilty, complains and gives up. The person in charge assumes the fact that what happens to him is not due to external circumstances  but to what he himself created: he alone can change his reality.

Life will give you experiences to test yourself; in the end, you alone decide to be a victim or to be responsible. Anyone who does not learn from their own history is doomed to relive the same mistakes. They will appear to be different experiences, but basically similar.


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