Does Transcendental Meditation Work?

Does Transcendental Meditation Work?

The technique of Transcendental Meditation, or TM, is the purest, simplest, and most effective form of meditation known to the world. It is the technique of automatic transcendence, which brings our mind to the most powerful and simplest state of consciousness, without any mind control or thought process. Transcendental Meditation is a universal practice that has been rooted in oral tradition for millennia. Its inventor is called Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


What is Transcendental Meditation?

Unlike other meditation techniques, which require concentration or control of the mind, TM is effortless and is practiced three times a day, for 20 minutes, comfortably seated in a chair with your eyes closed. It can be practiced on the train, the plane, the car (as long as you are not the one driving). There is no philosophy associated with TM and it is not related to other beliefs of a religious nature. In addition, it does not generate any change in the lifestyle.

To understand how it works, we use the analogy of the ocean. Imagine that you are in a small boat in the middle of the ocean and suddenly you find yourself facing a swell with waves over 200 meters high. If you had made a cross section, you would have seen that the ocean was still calm and silent, at the bottom. That is to say, active on the surface and quiet in the depth. Well, that’s how our mind works.


If we only stay on the surface of this ocean, we remain in the “I must” of our mind. However, when we add Transcendental Meditation in our life, we establish the calm that resides in us in an innate way. We then experience the unified and transcendent field of pure consciousness that exists in every human being.

The effect of Transcendental Meditation

Research findings show that during Transcendental Meditation, the mind reaches a level of rest and relaxation which in many cases is even deeper than when we sleep. It allows us to eliminate tension and anxiety by dissolving them.

Research shows a bigger impact on the tonsils, the frontal lobe and both hemispheres of the brain. There is a strengthening of the connection of the frontal lobe and the posterior part of the brain, thus improving decision-making, planning, judgment, reasoning …

Thanks to neuroplasticity, the brain connections that are stimulated during meditation last throughout the day. And so, the brain evolves from chaos to coherence, integrating the events of the day with more clairvoyance, seeing an increase in alpha waves, which intervene in the “state of calm on alert”. It allows our mind to sit inside, beyond thought, on the quietest and most tranquil level of consciousness, close to our deepest self.

The benefits of meditation

At the hormonal level, cortisol is secreted by the adrenal gland when we are under anxiety, reaching peaks that are mutually reinforcing and continually. However, the levels of this hormone drop by 30% when we meditate, along with the increase in the levels of serotonin and prolactin, hormones that both affect our sense of well-being.


At the physical level, current practice has repercussions on a significant reduction in hypertension, cholesterol, the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis, heart attack… as well as a wide range of related disorders.

What is a mantra and how do you use it in meditation?

In order for the mind’s attention to calm down effortlessly, a mantra is used in Transcendental Meditation. It must be personal and confidential.


A mantra is a sound or a word that is used in silence. It has no meaning and always has a positive frequency. This mantra is brought to you by a teacher of Transcendental Meditation. The technique is learned for four consecutive days and during the first interview, the teacher gives you the mantra which will now serve as your vehicle.

How to succeed in transcending?

The calm state of mind already exists within us in an innate way, so we don’t need to believe it since the mind lets itself be carried on to what seems most satisfying to it. Let’s take an example: you are at a party and you are part of a conversation that does not interest you at all, and near you you hear a person talking about your great passion. Where do you think your attention will go? This happens often, in the same way that our mind relaxes when we meditate.

During Transcendental Meditation, we allow the mind to flow naturally inward, and it therefore automatically moves towards calm, which has a big impact on rest, not only psychic but also physical.

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