Couples Who Were Separated During The Pandemic

Love in times of uncertainty is not easy and all the more so when we are faced with the separate confinement of our partner. This difficult situation puts us to the test and we must therefore take into account a series of tips to better cope with this reality.
Couples who were separated during the pandemic

Many couples have been separated during the pandemic. The causes are multiple and the circumstances very specific in each case. Either way, this fact represents an additional challenge in the face of the current complex situation, a litmus test in which both sides must mobilize their efforts, intentions and confidence to ensure that the bond continues.

One thing the experts had already sensed was that the lockdown was going to be a challenge for the relationship. However, the focus is always on those who share the same house and the possible problems caused by so many hours shared under the same roof.

Weddings and engagements are also in a state of alarm, and those who were already experiencing prior disagreements may now see emotional crises on the rise.

But there is also the other side of the coin. That of those who were suddenly separated by the pandemic.

Young couples who do not yet have a common domicile stay at home, separated from their partner. There are also those who, for professional, geographic or family reasons, carry out this quarantine tens of kilometers from the loved one.

It is not easy. And it is not because love in times of uncertainty does not give any precise date on the horizon when the reunion and return to normality will take place.

Living your daily life without a physical presence, without the daily life that once welcomed affection and common projects, is something strange and offbeat. Something that generates suffering in many couples, let’s see that.

Couples separated during the pandemic and the sadness this situation can cause

Couples who were separated during the pandemic, how to handle the situation?

Couples who were separated during the pandemic did not do so of their own accord. The circumstances that accompany each person are unique and often we may be faced with very specific realities.

We have, for example, adolescents who experience separation from their first partner at a distance and do not know how to deal with this unexpected situation. Technology helps, of course, but some hide this love from their parents.

And then there are these couples separated by great distances and even by a continent. On the other hand, we have those who already lived in different houses but saw each other on weekends.

Affective relationships are very varied realities, but as different as they are from each other, the feeling is real and the difficulty encountered in this circumstance is profound.

Let’s think about some strategies that we should consider to take care of this remote connection.

Trust: you don’t prove your love by being connected 24 hours a day

New technologies are the best allies of couples who were separated during the pandemic. Messages and video calls are amazing channels where they can talk, see, interact, laugh and share. The days are getting lighter and we can continue to share moments of affection and magic.

However, there is something more important than being connected: trust. This means that you can go two, three or four hours without sending a message and that does not change anything.

Love isn’t about being together 24 hours a day or all day while staying online or logged in on Zoom or Skype . Love is also leaving space, time for others.

Commitments and future projects are not canceled

Distance is difficult, the lack of physical contact is painful and confusing in a relationship. However, the current pandemic is proving to be a fierce survival exercise for all, especially for couples who were separated during the pandemic.

Commitments and plans for the future are not canceled. Let’s try to talk about the things we have left to do and experience.

Let’s talk about travel, these things we can do tomorrow. Let’s implement the illusions of the future when the present is difficult without the loved one by our side.

Virtual communication and separated couples during the pandemic

Make sure he never misses the “how are you?”

We can talk to our partner about what we did today, our concerns and our fears. However, let us never neglect reciprocity and remember that to love is to care for and care for each other. Let’s not let a day go by without asking this loved one how he is doing and how he feels about the situation.

In today’s environment, moods tend to fluctuate quite sharply throughout the day. And if enthusiasm accompanies us in the morning, it is possible that anxiety will visit us in the middle of the afternoon. Having our partner to share these moments is a big help.

Couples separated during the pandemic: a moment to get to know each other better

Experiencing unexpected situations allows us to know people more deeply. It is in difficult times that we need to highlight our values, affections, intentions and personality. We now have a unique and exceptional opportunity to learn more about our partner.

Distance is, after all, a scenario that requires us to rebuild the relationship. And where new spaces are created to rediscover ourselves, to investigate our thoughts, our desires, our personal history, our goals and our hopes. It can be difficult. There is no doubt, love by telematic means is cold. But it still allows us to communicate and that is the essential. Let’s take advantage of it.

Feeling indifference towards your partner
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