Acting With Your Heart Is Helping Others To Rise Up

Acting with your heart is helping others to stand up

Help soothes and rewards. Even though for many, reaching out to others often leads to disillusionment, it is only noble and true people who can understand that there is no other way.

Helping others to stand up is not easy ; sometimes, it is necessary above all that they realize that they need help, and that to seize the hand which one extends to them, it is not a sign of weakness, but well of strength.

On the other hand, helping others also means investing effort, time and emotions. However, despite these constraints, the desire to help is stronger.


Life should always be a natural encounter for love and respect; this is why universal empathy is this implicit force that we have in our heart, which allows us to express ourselves through kindness.


Admittedly, it is not easy, and sometimes, some end up forgetting all these sentences that we all like to share on social networks, because many are those who do not even manage to identify their most urgent needs.

Sometimes it’s our own family or our own friends who need support. A person going through depression needs understanding, support and closeness.

Sometimes, in adolescence, our children go through a bad patch: bullying at school, the first disappointment in love, etc.

Often, we don’t even realize it, because we don’t take the time to be interested in it, and we are too busy to be interested in other things.

The heart needs eyes to see and inner freedom to feel. We must get rid of all superficiality in order to deal with the essential, so that this goodness, natural in human beings, allows us to help those who need it.

Learn to listen with the heart


Sometimes your best friend can be all smiles, and yet you only have to look into their eyes to guess that tear is about to fall down their cheek.


The heart that knows how to listen is wise and devoid of all selfishness, far from this closed universe which feeds only on its own needs. Kindness knows how to sense and read between the lines.


Sensing the emotions of others is a gift from our social brain that is established through mirror neurons and empathy.

We all know how to identify basic emotions such as sadness, hate, love or fear.

However, sometimes, due to social, educational or personal influences, some have better intuition, and are more able to distinguish between “I feel” , “I need” , and “I want” . It is then around these three axes that life is articulated.

To live with the heart, it is not enough to be authentic as many believe. To be sensitive is not to be weak, just like wanting to help others stand up, it is not to make fun of them.

Those who live and build their life with their hearts are well aware of the following aspects.


I help you because you help me

Those who reach out to those in need, in fact, expect nothing in return. If they do, it’s because that attitude is part of their character, because that’s how they feel.

They expect nothing material in return, nor do they want to receive favors or flattery.

The greatest reward that one can receive is to feel useful and to give shape to that internal feeling which defines them.

If we turn our heads and act like we don’t see someone’s needs, it gives us a certain internal dissonance within us. It’s going against our values.

Help, this wisdom that enriches us

You can have multiple university degrees, speak five languages, have several cars, or even hold the latest smartphone in your hands.

But all of these tricks will be of no use to you if you don’t see that your mother, for example , needs help because she has dementia, or that your partner is feeling lonely even though you are still by his side…

  • Helping others enriches us because it allows us to recognize our fellow human beings.
  • Helping the other enriches us, because it teaches us to speak the language of the most basic emotions.
  • Helping others enriches us, because we become people capable of giving happiness and new opportunities.

The goodness that comes from the heart is the only investment that never fails

There are many who think the opposite, who sometimes think that doing good around us can bring us disappointment.

However, be sure: good people should understand that there are limits, and that they too have the right to say “stop” if they feel the need to.

Kindness is offered with freedom and intelligence. We know that acts that come from the heart are great investments. It helps us to move forward without resentment but on the contrary driven by freedom, emotions and well-being.


No one can move forward in life with greater joy than having the sun rise within oneself, and knowing how to face any turmoil.





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