A Medicine Woman Is A Woman Who Looks At Life With Love And Kindness

A medicine woman is a woman who looks at life with love and kindness

Every loving woman is a medicine woman. A woman who fills herself with strength, who nourishes those around her with kindness, who brings a serene outlook on life, who confides in her identity, who heals with a kiss.

A woman medicine is a woman who fills with energy, who inspires and gives affection, who erects her secrets, who deepens, who is generous, who knows forgiveness, who lives in grace, who learns to know.


A medicated woman is human, compassionate, aware of her power, her inspiration, her permanence, her chaos and her order, defender of her life, her needs, her dreams and the basket of her forgetfulness.


The gift of being a medicine woman

That is why a woman who is medicine is a woman who, if she passes, stays. A woman who always takes your heart, who walks in a determined way, who is aware of what is happening around her, which is determining.

She doesn’t know perfection or imperfection, she just IS. Through this power, she helps others to be. It requires a call, a struggle with his judgments, a conflict with those around him.

Being a woman of love is not always easy, because you have to fight  against everything that does not allow you to feel what each moment transmits, everything that tries to manage our rights, to subdue our dreams, everything that under- estimate our needs.



So, to be a drug woman is also to say “stop”, not to allow slavery, to be yourself, not to be in need, but to love unconditionally and beyond all possibility. And there we find ourselves on the scale that hypnotizes the emotional balance of women.



The strength of a woman’s love

There is nothing as strong as the love of a woman who persists in taking care of her well-being, who accepts herself, who understands her present and takes her past into account. .


Through her experiences and her knowledge, the drug woman shares the depth of time, the transcendence of aspirations and the importance of accumulating fulfilled dreams.


Deep in the soul of every woman lies a warrior who throbs, who illuminates, who fills her with hope, strength, and weapons to fight.

It is this interior warrior who healed her wounds and who took care of all the betrayals, all the deceptions, all the rejections that she was able to endure.

And this light which makes her mature, become interesting, exploit her intelligence, know how to manage herself, balance her intuition and her reason, embellish the art of life and of fighting in the face of adversities.

Woman’s heart is an ocean of mysteries

The heart of the love woman is an ocean of mysteries full of fish that glow when it is dark, which makes it as strange as it is magical.

The heart of the healing woman is something that connects the depth of a thousand mysteries.

It is a heart which beats in itself, which undoes in goodness, in respect, in security, in strength, in intelligence and in tenderness.

These are the principles that support the edifice of the medicinal woman, the one who looks at her life in a generous way, the one who does not catch herself.


Therefore, acts connect and balance with feeling and thought; the woman is aware of herself, of what she is, of what she has been and of what she is capable of being. Because the best medicine is acceptance …


The medicine woman is the one who is clothed with strength and dignity, who has the keys that open the doors to tales, the makeup of reality with nuances of liveliness, a collection of patterns, reasons to cling to. …

The best medicine for the soul is the gentleness of another human being, the friendliness and sensitivity of one who listens, one who treats himself with respect and considers others as a treasure. This is what defines the woman of love, the woman of medicine.

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