A Good Education Is First To Set A Good Example

A good education is first of all to set a good example

There are those who say that this life is too complex, selfish and filled with inequalities, and that it is better not to give birth to any more children to prevent them from this misfortune. However, this is not proper reasoning.

We are what we are, fathers and mothers, educators charged with providing good people to this world.

Happy children who tomorrow will have wings and the courage enough to transform the world, so that it becomes more noble and egalitarian… This is perhaps a utopia?

Education is not just about learning to speak, to cross the road or to impart knowledge.

To educate is to teach our children to become people, and it is we, the parents, who are the first reflection through which they will be able to begin to understand the world, through the eyes of a child who better understands the examples. that he sees rather than words.

Sometimes, and as a result of these past experiences of our childhood, today we think back to those many incongruous moments.

Parents who dictated to us a series of values ​​that they themselves never put into practice, nor even towards us. The value of respect, recognition, knowing how to listen …

As we grow older, we perceive these differences between words and deeds, and we suffer from them.

They were not a good example, and today we tell ourselves every day that “we must not follow the example of our parents”, that we must not make the same mistakes as they did.

Being a good example for our children makes it easier. Their world becomes more harmonious and honest, there are no incongruities that could disorient them, but values ​​on which to rely to see the world with authenticity.

We therefore invite you today to reflect on these few points.

How can you be a good example for your children?

wife and child

This is not to obsess over being the best example for our children.

It’s just about being a balanced, logical person, someone who has the capacity to love enough to see education as the greatest goal a person can accomplish.

No one is infallible, no one stays on this world without making a single mistake. Education is an act of love that spans 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

There is no truce, only joy, congruity and the need to offer happy people to the world.

Let us now answer the question at the beginning: would it be a utopia to want to offer the world courageous and happy people, capable of changing the world? Not at all.

This power is in our hands, and in our capacity to offer to this world children who will become noble adults, and who, among their capacities and their singularities (whatever they are), will be able to transform this reality to make it more honest. and even more noble.

How do you get there? Here are some small ideas.

Know yourself well

It is not necessary to be a reflection of infinite virtues to be a good example for our children. It is about knowing yourself well in order to adequately manage gestures, actions, words, emotions and behaviors.

– People with unequal character and variable behavior do not offer safety to children. Indeed, the latter never know what to expect and they are wary.

If we flatter them one day by making promises and the next day we don’t keep them and on top of that we sanction them, our children will suffer from emotional instability.

– Better self-knowledge allows better management of emotions and greater control of one’s behavior.

We will then understand the need to give adequate examples, to be this daily balance that envelops and comforts them, without tides or dryness of affection.

Let your child follow your example to become a unique being

Current education systems aim to create equal people, children who are all taught to think alike.

And even worse, they are taught the need to be like others, to act and have the same things as others for fear of being “different”.

Leading by example is being consistent with our words. Setting an example is also ensuring that our child acquires the best of us and that he subsequently transforms it into a benefit of his own to become someone unique and with his own identity.


This is something we must be well aware of: to lead by example is not to expect our children to be our exact replicas.

On the contrary, it is about making them see what is good, letting them learn what will be useful for them to be happy and to offer happiness to others.

  • To lead by example is to rekindle the intellect and the emotions of recognition, reciprocity and correspondence.
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Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay.

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