We Meet The Most Beautiful Things Without Even Looking For Them

We meet the most beautiful things without even looking for them

The finest things in life are ringing your doorbell without you even expecting it, because sometimes the secret to happiness is not to seek but to let yourself be found, to be patient and to always keep alive. your heart with hope …

And you, has life ever surprised you with its inexplicable gears? Sometimes we spend our time sketching in our minds what our future should be like and what that love should look like that will bring us true happiness. However, in reality, sometimes it is enough just to “let go”.

If there is one thing that we know well, it is that it is not easy to remain patient and to convince ourselves that it is enough just to have confidence, for beautiful things to happen in our lives. .

In reality, it is about something even deeper: adopting the right attitude.

It is your thoughts that give strength to your emotions and transform your reality. If you shut yourself up and cultivate resentment and frustration, it is very difficult to leave a window open for life to suddenly flood you with its magic.

Adopting a strong, energetic and positive attitude wherever you are is the most important thing. You deserve happiness. Practice simplicity, a passion for life and don’t close doors on anyone: the best experiences are possible thanks to chance.

Let yourself be carried away by life, day after day

couple walking at night

How to let ourselves be carried away by what life brings to us? Does that mean we shouldn’t struggle, that we shouldn’t avoid the things we don’t want? Not at all. In reality, there are nuances: letting yourself be carried away by life means allowing yourself to “live”, learn and enjoy all its details.

Whether you believe it or not, many people do not allow themselves to “live”, do not manage to include in their daily lives this gift of openness, optimizing, hope, being happy and giving back. others happy.

  • Life is sometimes not easy, it can bring us disappointments, losses and mistakes. However, staying focused on our past experiences closes doors for us in the present. And a closed mind and heart will fill with resentment.
  • Don’t let your injuries turn you into someone you don’t want to be: an unhappy person.
    If you limit yourself to looking at others and asking yourself how they are doing, how they manage to be happy, then you do not yet know the secret: these people accept their past, come to terms with it and face the present with optimism.
couple candle

The best is yet to come

It is an attitude, a way to find courage day after day: know that the best is yet to come but enjoy it as if it were already there.

  • According to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), we spend too much time regretting or lamenting the past and “idealizing” the future. All this, in a way, brings us some dissatisfaction because we imagine that our present is not up to the task.
  • The best is to allow yourself to live the present moment with fullness, being convinced that the best is yet to come, that the next day will always be beautiful because today I allow myself to be happy, because “I build my present ”in a suitable way.

Fight against daily dissatisfaction

It is obvious that we cannot be happy every day, that life sometimes brings disappointments to us, however… Is maintaining this dissatisfaction that fills us with bitterness on a permanent basis really worth it?

  • I am sure that you also know these people who envelop you in their negativity. And no matter how hard we can, these will never say words of encouragement, approval or hope.
  • An unsatisfied life is a wasted life. If at any point in your life you feel overwhelmed by this sensation, go deeper into the root of the problem, find the reason for the discomfort and deal with it: put an end to it.

Don’t look, let things find you

You may also have wandered more than once about your ideal job, your perfect home, and maybe even your dream half.

  • Don’t build expectations too high, and don’t get into an unattainable house of cards. Just let yourself go and be alert to the opportunities in your surroundings, be receptive, trust your instincts and observe. When you least expect it, something or someone will notice you.
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Images courtesy of Pascal Campion.

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