7 Keys To Better Love Our Partner

Strengthening your relationship as a couple is a challenge that involves not only motivation, but also understanding, effort and respect.
7 keys to better love our partner

Sometimes when it comes to affection in a couple relationship, we focus more on quantity than quality. However, perhaps the objective to be reached does not consist so much in maintaining the riches of love as in allowing them to acquire more and more depth, and therefore to be strengthened. This is why loving our partner better should be one of our priorities in the relationship.

However, succeeding in ensuring that the relationship is enriched and that it participates more in our balance and our well-being is not easy. Loving our partner better comes down to intensifying the quality and depth of the bond that unites us to him, and for that, effort and consistency are necessary.

There are a few key things that can help us achieve this goal of loving our partner better. They are linked to behaviors and attitudes that promote trust, intimacy and mutual recognition. We invite you in the rest of this article to discover 7!

1. Better love our partner: recognize their interests

Even if it seems obvious, it is however, in fact, not that simple. In theory, we all know it’s important to respect each other’s interests. However, in practice, we do not always succeed.

The other is what he is: the other. In fact, it is quite healthy that our partner is not the same as us in all respects. However, it is no longer such a good thing if differences become a reason to fuel resentment or if they trigger a thirst for control that has no reason to exist.

To better love our partner, we must accept him as he is

2. Accept your way of being

Accepting the other means not wanting to change them. It is respecting its processes and its rhythm. We all have flaws or limitations that might bother others. Thus, what we expect from our partner is that he accepts the complete package of our person: our qualities as well as our faults.

To better love our partner, it is essential that we give up this desire to want to change what does not please us about him. It’s not about repressing ourselves in the face of his mistakes, but rather understanding that they are a natural part of his story.

3. Listening openly, a key element to better love our partner

Some people shut up and close their lips together while their partner is talking. Others, quite simply, resist listening. Only a few people understand what it really means to listen openly and without judgment.

Listening is having the ability to understand the other when he expresses himself in his own words. A person who feels listened to will also feel motivated to listen. And good communication is the backbone of a relationship.

To love our partner better is to know how to listen to him

4. Focus more on its qualities than on its faults

Usually, at the start of a relationship, you only see the qualities of the other. Unfortunately, or fortunately, that changes quite a bit over time. Some go to the other extreme, and over the months they start to focus only on the other’s faults.

To love our partner better, we should prevent this from happening. And it is not that difficult. If we maintain a receptive and positive attitude, we will realize that emphasizing the qualities of the other is a great compromise.

5. To love our partner better is to know that he is doing the best he can.

We human beings have different sides, sometimes very different from each other. Today we are heroes, but tomorrow we may be afraid of anything. We are not machines and our identity is unstable, which is subject to various circumstances.

When goodwill is cultivated within a couple, it is very easy to understand that if there is something that our partner cannot do better, it is for a reason. We do not have the right to question its intentions, nor to measure its efforts.

6. Recognize your efforts

Life is not easy for anyone. However, it is always easier when you share it with someone. What we expect from this someone is that they actually accompany us. May he be a hand that we can always take.

The fact that the person you love recognizes that you are making efforts and giving everything to improve yourself day by day generates a strong feeling of happiness and gratitude. This endorsement and support is very motivating. In addition, they greatly unite two people, and this is undoubtedly one of the most important keys to better love our partner.

7. Show affection with words and deeds

It is a pity that today, most people consider that expressing their affection is something “gnangnan”, or reserved for people who are too sensitive. Indeed, from the moment we are born, we all need affection from others. These signs of affection are, in a way, that emotional nourishment that strengthens us.

Loving the other is not enough; it must also be demonstrated to him in the most difficult moments. For the couple to grow stronger, expressions of affection should be daily. They don’t necessarily have to take the form of honeyed words, but can also be translated into gestures that show the other that they are special to us.

Building a strong and healthy love affair enriches our lives, helps maintain our mental health, and may even improve our physical health. A good romantic relationship makes us better people and allows us to flourish more in other areas of our life. For all reasons, it is worth learning to love properly.


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