The 5 Best Supporting Phrases

We bring you the best supportive phrases, so that you find the necessary tools in the dark times of your life.
The 5 best supportive phrases

Reading supportive sentences in difficult times can be really helpful ; at such times it is not uncommon for our judgment to be clouded. And let the inspiration fade away, giving way to an overwhelming feeling. It’s like suddenly we have to carry the whole universe.

Thus, crises are characterized because they seem to change everything. What was there is now here or is no longer there. This is why the times when we have come out of this state, which fortunately are numerous, are perfect for establishing pillars that will carry us for the rest of our lives.

Here is a selection of the best supportive phrases.

Crises can be overcome

Every crisis speaks to us of change and transformation, whether at one level or another. A change imposed or caused, desired or hated, but which we must face by taking into account all these variables.

So, for a crisis or a revolution to do us good and end up leaving a trace of growth, we have a first step to take; we refer to acceptance. The recognition that something extraordinary (in the etymological sense of the term, that is, something that is not ordinary) is happening.

We will therefore have to negotiate with the extraordinary, by putting on the table our desires, our fears, our aspirations, our expectations, our hopes, our disappointments, our memories, our plans for the future … We speak of a crisis when the situation is deep.

support from others

The New York Times reports that, according to a national survey conducted by Clinical Psychology Science, published under the title Midlife Development in the United States, people who suffer from depression – we take this as an example of a crisis, although depression is much more than a crisis – can recover. In other words, there is hope behind depression. We know there is.

The survey covered more than 6,000 people between the ages of 25 and 75. Thus, the researchers found that more than half of the people who had received such a diagnosis managed to overcome depression. Translated into objective data, this means that there were no residual symptoms of any kind for at least a year after the procedure.

Believe in yourself above all else

When all around is darkness, the ideal is to illuminate the path with our inner light. With this torch which is not lost, because it is in us. In times of crisis and desolation, knowing that you can count on yourself is essential for achieving well-being.

Often the problem is part of the solution

In many circumstances of life, the problem already suggests a solution. Think of that student who feels overwhelmed because he works and can’t cope with all the subjects he enrolled in. It seems natural for him to say to himself: “ There are too many subjects ”, when he could simply opt for the ones he likes the most, within the limits of what he is able to achieve. In this case, it will be the student who will have to act because the reality, except in strange circumstances, will not change.

Thus, we see that the exit from certain crises obliges us to concede certain renouncements. We must know how to accept what we cannot do and try to the maximum that it does not have an impact on our life. Let’s think that if our student is paralyzed and does not take action, he may lose his whole year instead of a few subjects.

It’s never too late

This is another of the supportive phrases to keep in mind in our daily lives. It’s never too late as long as you wake up in the morning and can breathe. Remember, you can always be better, chase your dreams, and just strive for well-being.

Because that’s what life is: always striving to be better, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Only in this way will you find the much desired peace in times of desolation and turbulence.

friendly support

Build with what you have

How many resources do we have and which do we use? You’ve been fired from your job, you’re an architect, but you’re also very good at writing. Today, companies no longer hire architects. The demand for jobs is much greater than the supply. So why not try to make the most of this resource that has been sleeping so long within you? Why could it not be a momentary solution, if not the final solution? This is without a doubt one of the supportive phrases to remember when we find ourselves lost.

Living in the middle of the mud and building a castle with it is one of the initiatives that can make a difference. It’s about using the resources you have.

Remember that in the darkest days you can find the light that you lack. It seems easier said than done. However, if you gather your courage, and especially your intelligence, you will be able to achieve it. When inertia is not in our favor, it is seldom smart to start swimming against the tide. Taking advantage of this time to get more tools or simply to take advantage of them is perhaps more productive: this is why we emphasize here the particular importance of intelligence.

On the other hand, maintaining a positive attitude will protect us from despair. This will prevent us from losing more strength than the crisis is already taking away from us. In other words, during the crisis, one way or another, we must not lose the opportunity to enjoy, explore or continue to grow.


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