Mental Fog, Or The Hopeless Inability To Concentrate

Mental fog, or the hopeless inability to concentrate

Mental fog is very common in people who suffer from fibromyalgia ; it is also very common when you are under high stress. We lack energy and our mind is suspended in an opaque, distant and strange dimension, where it is very difficult to concentrate, to make decisions or even to remember simple things.

People who experience this cognitive dysfunction feel truly appalled. To perceive how, quickly, they start to forget the names of the people, how they feel disoriented or unable to understand what they are said or what they read undoubtedly causes that these patients have fear of experiencing the onset of dementia.

It will always be the specialists who will offer us an adequate diagnosis based on our symptomatology. However, it is important to note that generally mental fog is associated with fibromyalgia. This momentary inability to cling to reality, to our life and to every ordinary event is undoubtedly a key factor when it comes to making a full diagnosis of this debilitating disease.

Know that above all, with a few good resources, patience and the right skills, you can reduce your impact. Thus, it is important to take into account that the mental fog is in turn associated with other physical and psychological processes that it is necessary to know in order to be able to dispel the mental fog and regain full control of our reality.

We invite you to read the rest of this article, and to reflect with us on this very interesting subject, which will surely allow you to learn things that can be useful to you at one time or another in your life.

These are not just simple oversights. Neither are they common negligence, nor even something that passes with a good day off. People who experience “mind fog” report feeling that part of their brain is turned off. Still others say they “have blanks”, momentary escapes during which their minds seem to go “on stand-by”, to the point of remaining absent in the middle of a conversation or behaving automatically. but without having a correct rhythm.

This is undoubtedly a phenomenon as dangerous as it is traumatic for the person who experiences it. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that the key to this phenomenon lies in various groups of cortical neurons. For some still obscure reason, they momentarily “go out”; punctual errors in connectivity which irremediably plunge the patient into this foggy tunnel where they remain isolated from reality.

The causes of these cognitive errors could have various origins, and are linked to periods of stress or very specific illnesses. Read the rest of this article, we explain everything to you.

As we reported at the start of this article, mental fog is part of the differential diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

Thus, it has also been discovered that both people who suffer from this disease and chronic fatigue have a deficit of cytokines, a type of protein essential to stabilize new information in the brain.

Consuming too much gluten or being sick with celiac disease often causes mental fog episodes. This autoimmune disease causes serious effects on our cognitive performance, of which we are not always aware since we focus more on the physical symptoms.

In this case, it is enough to change the diet for the mental fog to subside.

Multitasking is such a common and unimportant epidemic. Working without taking time to rest, chaining one goal after another or focusing all our attention on various stimuli at the same time, all these behaviors sooner or later have serious consequences.

The brain, although one might often think the opposite, is not a computer, but a living entity that has its own rhythms, its own rules, its own needs. If we stimulate him more than necessary, he will not grow taller or more skillful; on the contrary, it will ask us for forced breaks, namely that it will “disconnect” momentarily.

Menopause is not necessarily the best time in a woman’s life. There are challenges to overcome, changes to face and above all, oscillations in our body that we must know in order to be able to “control” them.

Mental fog is one of those oscillations. The inevitable drop in estrogen levels generates changes in our cognitive processes : difficulty concentrating, remembering new information, making decisions as quickly as before …

It is a common phenomenon that we can manage with proper strategies as well as with the help of our doctors.

After having received an adequate diagnosis based on our symptomatology, we will have to treat the basic problem, so follow the recommendations of our doctor if we suffer from fibromyalgia, better manage stress, or change our diet if we are suffering from fibromyalgia. is gluten intolerant.

The first step, therefore, is to follow the recommendations of specialists. The second step is to “prepare mentally”; mental fog should be faced with calm, while taking into account that fear, stress and anxiety itself tend to intensify the phenomenon even more.

On a daily basis, it is worth taking into account these simple strategies which, without doubt, will help you:

  • Talk to the people around you about what is happening to you: this will allow them to be more patient with you, to repeat things to you, not to speak too quickly or to notice it if at one time or another, you are in the midst of an “escape”, an absence.
  • Whenever you are about to leave your home, take with you a list of everything you plan to do that day.
  • As you experience mental fog, sit in a quiet place and relax: try to stay calm at all times.
  • Always keep your keys and your cell phone close to you, in your pockets.
  • Start doing simple mental exercises today: puzzles, online stimulation and concentration games, reading, sudoku …

The most important thing in these cases is to count on the support of your loved ones. Try to normalize these situations, avoid obsessing over them, and seek out groups of people who are going through the same thing if you want. Realize that maintaining a positive and calm attitude will prevent this mental fog from focusing even more on your living spaces and your right to be happy.

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