Tell Me What Upsets You And I Will Tell You What You Need To Change About Yourself

Tell me what upsets you and I will tell you what you need to change in yourself

It is often believed that it is the fault of others if we have negative emotions such as anger, hatred, frustration or pain. But, in reality, the only person who hurts us is usually ourselves.

When you are upset by a thought, there are things within you that you need to work on. When you feel bad and think it’s someone’s fault, think a little; Think back to what that person told you, and you will realize how critical you can be of yourself.

Think, for example, of those parts of your face or body that you love. If someone thinks about any of these parts to you, it won’t have any negative impact on you, since you enjoy it. We always give more importance to our own opinion than that of others.

If, on the contrary, someone remarks to you about a part of your body that you don’t like, then you will feel bad.

In fact, it is not the other person who hurts you, but yourself, since this part of your body, you do not like it, and therefore you and this person have the same opinion.

If someone gives you a thought that upsets you, it is because that person will have awakened in you these negative opinions that you hold about yourself, and that you may be keeping buried within yourself to forget them.

But, it was enough for someone to remind you of them for it to hurt you.

Accept yourself as you are, be aware of both the good and the bad

There are many who believe that they will gain self-esteem if they focus only on their good qualities, to the detriment of their shortcomings. But, by adopting such behavior, they only avoid the negative, and what we avoid remains buried in us, until the day someone touches this sensitive chord.

We put forward our good sides to leave the bad ones on the sidelines, but leaving on the sidelines does not mean forgetting or burying. We have to accept our bad sides, at the risk of being emotionally weak if we don’t.

Of course, it is better to put aside our faults, but by having taken care to accept them beforehand, so as not to be hurt by any reflection that one could give us. You have to have a clear opinion of yourself, which will prevail over that of others.

It is vitally important to accept yourself as you are if you are to achieve inner peace. Much of the emotional issues one may face are related to self-esteem and caused by lack of self-acceptance.

We all have our qualities and our faults

Some people think we have to make every facet of our personality a quality; however, this is false. We all have our qualities and our faults. No one is perfect, and it’s all about fostering the facets of our personality that appeal to us the most.

If you understand this and accept it, then your flaws will no longer be a problem for you. Accept your shortcomings as part of you, and take advantage of your strengths.

The next time you feel bad about someone’s remark, remember that you and you alone are the source of your negative emotions, and that when something bothers you it is. you have things to change or accept.

Do the reviews affect you?

Let’s change the example. Imagine that you are 40 years old and still live with your parents. You would like to be more independent, but your bad financial situation does not allow it.

If your parents tell you “You will never be independent, and even less with this crisis not very conducive to hiring” and this remark upsets and hurts you, if you get angry and you feel negative emotions invade you , then you can deduce that you have the same view as your parents on the situation.

In fact, it was not your parents who hurt you; it’s yourself.

Now imagine that your parents make this remark to you, and that you answer them that personally you do not worry, that you know that you will eventually find a job, that this crisis will soon be just a bad memory, and that you can leave the family home.

In this case, you probably can’t say that your parents’ remark made you angry or upset, because you don’t have the same opinion as them.

If you can figure this out, then your life will take a turn. No one hurts you, no one makes you angry; everything comes from you, everything is in your head, everything depends on your own opinions.

So you have to believe in yourself, in life, in luck, in your abilities. Love yourself, and above all, accept everything about yourself, both good and bad.

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