Today I Choose To Take Care Of My Indoor Garden

Today, I choose to take care of my indoor garden

Today, I choose to take care of myself, I choose to be strong and to take my aspirations out loud, to put up walls in front of what makes me vulnerable and in front of people who distance me from my essence.

I am myself, I am the garden which grows in me and which I must cultivate every day.

When’s the last time you thought of yourself before everyone else? We know it is not easy and we feel like we are selfish.

How do we listen to our own needs if we have family, friends, a job, responsibilities? Whether you believe it or not, it is necessary. No one is selfish to “cultivate this garden” that we all have within us.

It is amazing how day after day we stop looking at each other. And despite this, we appear to be selfish to others.

Life can be very complex sometimes if we don’t learn to prioritize, and if we don’t decide what is worth time and what is not. This is something the people around us need to understand.

You need time for yourself, and you need to take care of your inner garden, in which there is refuge, strength and security.

When you have achieved this inner happiness, you will be able to give your best to those you love.

I am the garden that grows in me


You are a colorful garden that sometimes goes out and fades. You are strong because today, you have forgotten your essences, your pillars because your roots are nourished by a present of haste, fears, anxieties and companies which prevent you from being yourself.

But how to do it ? It sounds easy to say, but taking care of yourself isn’t like treating yourself as if it were preventing a cold or a stomach ache.

We are talking about this existential void which prevents us from being happy, and which prevents us from being ourselves.

Take note of how you can cultivate your indoor “garden” to regain balance.

1. Moments of calm, solitude and silence with oneself

The first step in taking care of yourself is to listen to yourself, and no one better than you can know what is missing, what hurts you, and what takes you away from your essence.

  • Find quiet times during the day to be still, to listen to your inner voice, and simply, to silence the rumor of worries.
  • The pressure will have to come down little by little. And for that, the best is to find a calm environment which relaxes you.
  • Regulate your breathing and little by little, let yourself be carried by this path which leads you to your heart, even if it is zigzagging.
  • Ask yourself what is going on, what you need, what you want, and what you are missing. 

2. Learn to think freely and free yourself from what takes you away from you.

Your indoor garden wants to grow, but there are aspects of your life that prevent it from doing so. First of all, you have to know if there are aspects of you that surround you, wall you in or “grill” you.

  • Avoid worrying about things that don’t matter.
  • Stop valuing people who are hurting your life. Do not pay attention to criticism because they do not define you, do not give strength to whoever hurts you or you will be his victim: free yourself.
  • You are the person who leads your life so take the helm of your daily life. Learn to strive for what you want and focus your efforts in that direction: towards simple, pure and unadulterated happiness, where the people you truly love are.

3. Enrich your life by researching what defines you, what makes you feel alive.

Life is learning. It is to experience and revel in the shared knowledge of humanity and nature.

Find your passion and make it your life path, let it illuminate you from within and carry you towards your dreams, so that you feel useful and daring.

Do not hesitate to build new social relationships, humans represent a great source of knowledge.

Cultivate your inner garden by learning new things every day, by enriching yourself to grow, to be freer in your mind and in your affects.



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