Maybe You Are The Source Of These Obstacles Leading You To Be Afraid

Maybe you are the source of these obstacles leading you to be afraid.

Sometimes doubts, insecurity, fears or the anxiety itself about failure keep us from moving forward. It is these little fears that become obstacles in our path to what we really want. We fall, therefore, and we persist in believing that whatever we do, things will end in failure.

We therefore only see the stones that can litter our way, rather than realizing how far we have come. Consequently, we think more of the threats that may appear than of the possibilities that open up before us. We let ourselves be carried away by our fears, rather than focusing on our strengths.

Jorge Bucay, in his marvelous story entitled Obstacles , tells us about this mania that we have for harming ourselves. Read the rest of this article to discover this tale, as well as our analysis.

I walk in the forest, I let my feet guide me.

My eyes fall on the trees, on the birds, on the stones. On the horizon looms the silhouette of a city, which I gaze at to clearly distinguish it. I feel that this city attracts me.

Without knowing how, I realize that in this city, I can find anything I want. All of my goals, objectives and accomplishments. My ambitions and my dreams are in this city. What I want to achieve, what I need, what I would most like to be, what I aspire to, what I try, what I work for, what I have always coveted, what would be my greatest success.

I imagine it’s all in this city. Without hesitation, I start to walk towards her. I walk, and after a while, the path I take becomes a climb. I tire, but whatever.

I continue. I see a black shadow further down the path. I get closer, and I fall in front of a huge ditch that prevents me from passing. I’m scared… I doubt. I get angry because I cannot reach my goal in an easy way. Anyway, I decide to jump the ditch. I step back, I gain momentum and I jump… I manage to pass. Arrived on the other side, I get up, and I continue to walk.

A few meters further on, another ditch appears. I start running again, and I jump again. I run towards the city: the path seems clear. I am surprised by an abyss which hinders my path. I stop. Impossible to jump over it.

I see that on one side there are wood, nails and tools. I realize that they are there to help build a bridge. I have never been good with my hands… I think about giving up. But I look at the goal I want to achieve… and I resist.

I start to build the bridge. Hours pass, days, months. The bridge is finally built. Moved, I cross it. And when I get to the other side… I discover a wall. A gigantic cold and damp wall surrounds the city of my dreams.

I feel dejected… I look for a way to get around it; impossible. I have to climb it. The city is so close … I will not let the wall prevent my passage.

I decide to climb. I rest for a few minutes and I inflate my lungs… Suddenly, I see on one side of the path a child who looks at me as if he knows me. He smiles at me with complicity.

He reminds me of me… when I was a kid.

So I allow myself to express my complaint to him out loud:
– Why are there so many obstacles between my lens and me?

The child shrugs his shoulders and answers:
– Why are you asking me the question?

The obstacles weren’t there before you arrived… The obstacles, you created them.

We get stuck in our path when we persist in thinking of the worst possible scenarios, the dark side of an unlikely future, but which we make more and more real with every thought. When fear dominates us and doubts are so powerful that they only cause anxiety.

By creating our own obstacles, in a way, we seek to protect ourselves against a possible failure. It is because of the excuses that we find, of the “you see, I told you so” that our worst fears are confirmed, that we fall, and that we do not manage to rise. challenge the first time.

Also we put obstacles because we are afraid of the uncertainty of what will come in the next step towards our destiny. Thus, we prefer to protect ourselves from the shadow of what we know little about rather than looking for the good that remains to be discovered. We become cowards defeated by our own imagination; it is our ideas that become the obstacles littering our path.

So, get your mind used to seeing the positive side of reality. You will only be able to achieve success if you make an effort. If you fall again, look for the beauty hidden behind every shadow, behind every obstacle, for people have the capacity to change. Remember that in this life those who survive are those who struggle and go to great lengths, those who do not fear what is yet to come.

And above all, do not doubt your abilities. Live life as you deserve to live it, because we all fall, but it is not the falls that mark life, it is the lessons that we learn from them. Keep walking, and if you come across an abyss, ask yourself if it was not you who could have dug this precipice, covering your path with doubts. And now, are you going to complain about the obstacles you put in your life, or will you walk with a firm step, not afraid to strive for what you want?

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