We Spend More Time “doing ” Than “being “

Looking to the future protects us from threats and dangers. However, constantly keeping our eyes on the horizon also prevents us from enjoying walking on the ground we tread.

We spend more time “doing” than “being”. This means that sometimes we live in such a programmed way that we forget to be, to feel. We spend our life doing tasks for the sole purpose of accomplishing them, as if our well-being depends on it alone.

In a way, we usually live immersed in a schedule: going to work, cooking, having coffee with friends, going to the gym, washing clothes, taking a shower, going to the hairdresser… Among millions other tasks. This is the programming that we can have. Before we even finish a task, we are already thinking about starting another. And without taking advantage of the here and now, of the present.

When we spend more time ‘doing’ we forget to be

Sometimes we forget to be, to stop and think about who we are and what we need. That is, we tend to focus a large part of our energy on completing tasks and activities, on organizing our time and our agenda.

So much so that we leave aside the fact of living the present, the moment that we are living. We focus on the future, neglecting the importance of living in the present.

At times we forget to laugh, to say thank you, to appreciate the nature around us, to kiss, to hug, to show our affection, to smell the fresh air, to walk freely, to savor the taste. a good coffee …

Sometimes we don’t appreciate the little details of everyday life, but are more concerned with doing things and crossing them off our to-do list.

It is never enough

Thus, without realizing it, we can become mechanical, dissatisfied, frustrated people, with the constant feeling that it is never enough. Because when we spend more time “doing,” our to-do list can be endless.

Think about it, is it really possible to complete all the tasks that we have set for ourselves? There will probably always be something to do.

Focusing our attention on what remains to be done can lead to a high sense of frustration with not achieving our goals.

And, at the same time, a high level of dissatisfaction, because “I never manage to do everything I want to do and therefore I am not satisfied with myself” . What happens in these cases is that self-image and self-esteem depend on the results achieved and not so much on ourselves.

Do we prioritize what is really important?

Personal transformation expert Ursula Calvo agrees that time management should be about priorities, and the important thing is to be honest.

But to be honest, deciding on priorities is fundamental. “Decide how much time to spend on leisure activities, reserve it as if it were an unavoidable commitment”.

Indeed, it is often difficult to follow a list of priorities. We spend a lot of energy in daily activities (eating, working, cooking, taking care of others…). However, we do not leave room to be with ourselves, to stop and think.

In our daily priority list, we don’t usually sit down and think about what we want. What we need. Who we are. In short, we spend more time “doing” than “enjoying”, going beyond our priority list.

It would be appropriate, as Calvo says, to follow a list of priorities based on us, on what we need, establishing its content as an inevitable commitment. If we devote the time we need to ourselves and live in constant programming, we can increase our satisfaction with life.

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