5 Sentences About Friends

Friendship is an essential ingredient of good mental health. We can reaffirm these links with actions, but also with words. That is why today we want to share a few sentences with you.
5 quotes about friends

We all need each other. Our relationships with others boost our self-esteem, improve our mood, and help us cope with adversity. Having a true friendship is an invaluable privilege. If you want to express your affection and gratitude to one of them but don’t know how, here are some phrases for your friends.

Friendship goes far beyond a circumstantial encounter, it is a deep and meaningful bond. A friend is not the one you meet at school or at work, she is the one who deliberately chooses you to share her free time with you.

It is not someone who comes to you to satisfy a selfish need, but someone who genuinely appreciates you, cares about you, and offers you selfless support. If you have such a person in your life, don’t hesitate to remind them how much you appreciate them.

Sentences about girlfriends describing this wonderful bond

Two happy friends.

Life takes many turns, but a true friend takes them all with you

Each person has their own journey, and over the years we all go through different life circumstances. However, when a friendship is true, it remains and is with you every step of the way, being that compass that helps you find north no matter which direction you take.

Relocations, engagements, breakups, happy times and gray days … No matter what happens in your life, the friendship will remain unchanged.

A good friend is one who criticizes you from the front and defends you behind your back

Loving someone doesn’t always mean agreeing with their opinions, decisions, and actions. One of the most important roles of a friendship is to help us see our mistakes and our dark side, but with love and respect.

So a true friend is able to tell you her opinion, even if she contradicts yours, and do so by looking you in the eye. However, when you are not present, her loyalty to you will be admirable and you can rely on her to defend you against anyone who wants to attack you.

True friends can be physically separated, without anything changing

Friendship is not selfish or opportunistic. It is not nurtured only when the other person serves a purpose and fades away when it is no longer useful to us. Many people are faced with the sad reality at one time or another that when they are no longer available to their friends, they stop relying on them.

A true friend will want to hear from you even from a distance, understand your commitments, and make time in her schedule to meet with you whenever possible. And, when that moment comes, you will feel like nothing has changed.

In fairy tales, you are saved by a prince… In real life, by a friend!

We are more and more aware that no woman, just because she is a woman, is fragile, helpless and needs someone to come to her aid. However, there is still a shadow of this traditional idea that only a married life can make us feel complete.

Because of this, many women cling to destructive relationships and are devastated when they end. It is in these times that friends arrive to pick up the pieces and put back together what you once were, to remind you of your worth and courage and to encourage you to fight for yourself.

A good friend is the one who gives you advice for hours, even though she knows you won’t follow any

We have all fallen into negative dynamics at one point or another. We must open our eyes to make up our minds to change, and nothing that we are told will be enough without our conviction.

But it’s heartwarming to share your fears and concerns and listen to honest and caring feedback. Plus, these tips tend to stick with us, showing up when we really need them.

Two friends chatting.

Use these phrases for your girlfriends whenever you need them

There are special times when we want to express our affection to our loved ones. Even if it is not Christmas or a birthday, it is always positive to remind others how important they are to us, and expressing it in words makes this manifestation much more tangible and permanent in the world. time.

So don’t hesitate to dedicate one of these phrases to your friends whenever you feel the need to thank them for their presence in your life. They will be delighted.

4 keys to recognizing if a friendship is worth it
Our thoughts Our thoughts

How do you know if a friendship is worth it? These few questions should allow you to reflect on the subject.

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