Happiness According To Charles Chaplin, An Example To Follow

Happiness according to Charles Chaplin, an example to follow

Let’s talk about “happiness”. Do you have a lot of worries today? It could be that your pockets are a little empty, that you don’t live in the house of your dreams, or that you no longer have those people who made you smile.

But happiness is not always in those physical settings in which we usually set our goals. Happiness is also not an unreal thing that is difficult to obtain.

Real happiness, genuine happiness, is just a question of attitude, a vision, a way of looking at life.

In other words, happiness is within you and must be nourished every day through the most ordinary, the simplest things. The most basic.

For example, you can choose to walk the narrower path, be on the negativity plane and give up, or you can just come closer to that side where you can draw strength within yourself and take a positive attitude.

For daily motivation. For the simple illusion of putting a goal overnight and enjoying the present.

We assure you that happiness is a healthy exercise to be practiced every day. You can achieve this through the vision left by a myth in the history of cinema: Charlie Chaplin.

You may be a staunch admirer of his work, or perhaps his person seems too distant and lacking in brilliance.

Today we are going to share with you a part of him, of this real man who was hiding behind the character. Because we are convinced that you will love it.

Charles Chaplin, the man behind the character

You certainly know the unforgettable works such as “ The Gold Rush “, “ Modern Times ” and “ The Great Dictator “.

These are cultural heritages that are already part of us, of our history and of cinema which has experienced enormous progress.

His humor spoke of humanity and he was sometimes mixed with the tragedy, but always giving us a smile. A proof of courage.

For many, without Charles Chaplin, the cinema would not have been the same. It is true we do not know anything about it, because this medium has always been nourished by big names who had big ideas and new perspectives from which we were able to innovate in the world of celluloid, and with it, our imagination.

Cinema never stops being what we have all said once, “a dream factory”.

But let’s not lose the thread of our idea. We are talking about happiness. Happiness seen and understood by a cinema icon. Charles Chaplin. Maybe you knew what was behind this man with this strange gait?

This Briton was gifted in the arts and the stage. He was an acrobat with a keen instinct for comedy. But a comedy from a tragic point of view. Bittersweet.

He was the man of a thousand faces : actor, director, musician, writer, producer, editor and above all… a man who overcame adversity from a young age.

He grew up in great precariousness. Almost destitute, he survived as best he could on stage, still in the entertainment business, but with the curse of hunger and malnutrition lurking around him.

Her family was one more example of those broken bonds where you don’t grow up safe. Without tie, without comfort.

His father never cared much for him or his brothers. Her mother, despite being another performer on the stage, suffered from severe mental disorders which required her to be locked up for long periods in sanatoriums. Far from them.

Behind the character, behind his heavy shoes, his stick and his dusty jacket, there was his own story.

Basically, she was part of him and she was showing what he really was. A man who knew how to survive and invent himself. Someone who knew how to pull a smile out of tragedy and how to connect with an audience who knew what they were talking about full well.

Chaplin was a craftsman of emotions, and as such, he left us a worthy legacy and not only in the world of cinema, but also through his words.

Here we give you some great examples that we hope will serve you well.



Life is a work of theater that does not allow for trials…
So sing, laugh, dance, cry
and live every moment of your life intensely
…… Before the curtain closes
and the work ends without applause .

Hey, hey, smile!
but don’t hide behind that smile…
Show what you are, fearlessly.
There are people who dream
of your smile, just like me.

Live! Try!
Life is not a single attempt.

Love above all,
Love everything and everyone.
Do not close your eyes to the filth of the world,
do not ignore hunger!
Forget the bomb,
but first do something to fight it,
even if you don’t feel you can.

Find out what is good in everything and everyone.
Do not make faults a distance
but a rapprochement.

Life, people,
make them your reason for living.

Understand people who think differently about you,
don’t blame them.

Hey! Look…
Look behind you, how many friends…
Have you ever made someone happy today?
Or have you made someone suffer with your selfishness?

Hey! Don’t run…
Why such a rush?
will run right through you.

But do not harm anyone and
do not turn your dream into an escape.

Create! Wait!
There will always be a way out,
always a shining star.

Cry! Fight!
Do what you love,
feel what is inside of you.

Listen to what other people
have to say, this is important.

Make obstacles stages
for what you want to achieve.
But don’t forget those
who haven’t made it up
the ladder of life.

Find out!
Find out what is good in you.
Seek first and foremost to be a person,
I too will try.
Hey! You …
Now go in peace.
I must tell you that… I adore you,
simply because you exist.

Charles Chaplin

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