Opportunities Are Hidden In The Cracks Of Difficulty

Albert Einstein said that in the midst of every difficulty there is an opportunity. However, how can we see them if we are below a minimum, if the mood is unaccompanied, and our mind is trapped in the maze of anxiety? This is what we analyze below.
Opportunities are hidden in the cracks of hardship

It is often said that opportunities are seen only by the most prepared minds. But be careful, because by “preparation” we do not refer only to the art of strategy, to a refined plan, to technical knowledge. Knowing how to see the possibilities of change in any context also requires a good dose of self-confidence, enthusiasm, good management of emotions, patience, resistance to frustration …

The art of knowing how to seize the opportunity at the right time is directly related to the field of personal growth. We would all like, no doubt, to have this ability to see doors open when there are only windows closed in front of us. To achieve this, there is no question of training, academic credentials or luck. It is also a mental focus capable of seeing glimmers of hope through the cracks of adversity.

Many people have succeeded, even under the most unfavorable circumstances. A classic example is undoubtedly Steve Jobs. When he was fired from Apple, the company he had created, far from giving up, he launched another no less brilliant and iconic project: Pixar. Soon after, he became Disney’s largest shareholder.

However, from a psychological point of view, it is advisable to open up the meaning of the term “opportunity” a little more. We should not relate it exclusively to the professional field, to success at work. The opportunity is above all to be able to generate a change that offers us well-being, that is, progress on an emotional and personal level.

We will find out more about it.

Opportunities in a woman's mind.


Opportunities in times of crisis

In psychology, there is an interesting concept to say the least. We refer to the “cost of opportunities”, an idea that fundamentally defines how much it sometimes costs us to achieve a desired goal by preparing for it.

We will understand this immediately by giving a few examples. Many of us prepare for our future by studying a career, investing time, effort and money. However, despite all these efforts, the job market sometimes offers us few opportunities.

Another example is that parents take their children to piano lessons from an early age. They do this with the idea that something like this will make them happier and even improve a lot of their intellectual skills, thus giving them greater possibilities for the future. However, these children are under significant stress.

Sometimes the cost of accessing certain opportunities is too high, and far from providing us with benefits, it makes us miserable and harder to navigate our way in life. Opportunities are undoubtedly an elusive and complex concept.

We cannot always foresee them or anticipate them, and sometimes when they are in front of us we cannot see them because we are not prepared for them. Worry, anxiety, or discouragement keep us from seeing those locks that are so conducive to change. It is important to take care of our psychological health to allow us these returning changes in our own well-being. Let’s see how.

Are opportunities appearing or being created?

We are often told that opportunities are created. Modern society still tries to convince us that everyone is master of their own destiny by creating opportunities through effort. However, as we well know, the context is sometimes not favorable. No matter how prepared and how hard we are, opportunities are few and far between, and even more so in times of crisis.

Perhaps this is the reason why we have to prepare for a new competition. That of knowing how to find opportunities in the cracks of adversity. As the philosopher and soldier Sun Tzu said, victory is achieved by finding the opportunities in the midst of the problem. But sometimes the vision of the problem obscures our vision.

  • That is why, more than the exclusive obsession with preparing to accumulate titles, courses or technical knowledge, we should also focus on certain psychological skills.
  • Good management of emotions and daily stress, for example, would be an essential survival tool
  • Resistance to frustration, the ability to cultivate hope even in difficult times are also dimensions to keep in mind.
A woman seeking opportunities.


The courage to roll my eyes to see beyond our suffering

Opportunities are invisible to those who see reality without perspective. Likewise, for those who are trapped in depression, in the chains of an anxiety disorder. It is not easy to see the possibilities for change when the mind is not following. And that what we are experiencing is suffering in all its forms.

However, being able to see opportunities in the cracks of tough days is the only mechanism for self-advancement and progress. Because very often what we expect from life is not an open door to success or glory. What we really want is to be well. Feel comfortable with who we are and with what surrounds us.

Something like this takes effort. A look beyond ourselves to connect with what surrounds us and then a look from the heart. A look from this spirit who dares to be flexible, creative and intuitive. Difficult days come and go, but only we have the capacity to know how to navigate in all circumstances and to allow us to move forward seeing the opportunities for progress. Let’s think about it.


How to use kindness to heal difficult people
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We can all use kindness to heal difficult people. Indeed, kindness is a shield and also a channel.

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