Self-confidence Attracts And Makes You Fall In Love

Self-confidence attracts and makes you fall in love

Few attributes make a person as attractive as self-esteem. A self-love that is present when we embrace life with closed eyes, when we understand that it has both thorns and a soft touch, that it sometimes hits but that it can also caress. And that in all of this we have something to say and we must take advantage. Feeling safe with yourself means accepting mistakes and celebrating victories, knowing that even as children we have the capacity to transcend circumstances.

Insecurity or low self-esteem, on the contrary, is born and survived by our tendency to focus our attention on the negative aspects. When a person is unsure of themselves, they direct their attention to their flaws, their mistakes and the negative consequences that their behaviors will have.

The insecure always believes that he is not going to be able and unfortunately, by his behaviors, he ends up confirming his beliefs.

Self-confidence is the main responsible for our success, whether in the professional field or in the personal field. It doesn’t matter how we are or how much we own. Rather, it’s how we like what we have that plays out. When we love ourselves unconditionally, we project that love outward and those around us accept us, love us and admire us too.

We believe that the more handsome / beautiful we are, the more money and success we will have, the more we will increase our confidence and the better we will feel about ourselves.

But this is not true. Self-esteem is something that flourishes inside the person, regardless of the circumstances surrounding it.

The power of attraction of trust

Did you not understand that there are people who, without being for example very attractive physically, have something that you particularly like? You can call it enchantment, bewitching, charisma or whatever you want, but it has a link with the confidence they have in themselves.

They are people who accept themselves as they are and in addition to accepting themselves, love themselves. They should not be confused with conceited people because in reality vanity only hides a lack of self-esteem.

Everything a person thinks, says, or does, if they do it with confidence, can move mountains. On the contrary, whatever we turn on, what we do without believing in ourselves, will cause others not to take us seriously either, even if we do it right.

When a person feels great self-confidence, it is because they have been able to fight against fear and have succeeded in breaking down the barrier that separated their real self from their ideal self.

The self-confident person is a person who wants to be, because by letting go of fears of failure or rejection, she has loosened many of the barriers that kept her from stepping out of her comfort zone. This ability to take a determined number of risks with serenity envelops him in a halo of magnetism which dazzles those around him.

Let us not forget the great influence of non-verbal language. Did you know that many of the choices people make in our lives are in part influenced by their facial expressions? The fact of smiling more or less greatly influences when we attract other people, as well as our body posture.

An insecure posture, with a bent back and drooping arms, denotes defeat and is unattractive. On the contrary, a big smile, a straight back and relaxed shoulders demonstrate security and triumph.

3 steps to gain confidence and be attractive

The theory is fine, but… how do we gain this security that we lack? The good news is that self-confidence is a skill, and you can train it. Here are some strategies that can help you:

Watch your thoughts

Human beings produce 50,000 thoughts a day and over 50% are negative in nature. They are supposed to serve the function of a “warning signal for danger”, but often they have no basis and are unrealistic. Thus, it is important to know how to stop them in time and change them into ideas that reflect reality.

In addition, it is necessary to make an effort to know yourself well, both in the positive and in the negative. That way, when a negative thought about yourself bursts into your mind, you can remind yourself that it is not so bad as what you are telling yourself and that you have plenty of qualities that you can rely on if the problem really takes place.

Don’t get carried away by your emotions

Emotions are physiological responses that have so much power that they can cripple us. If we let ourselves be controlled by them, as if we were puppets, we will not have the opportunity to demonstrate to ourselves what we are worth. The emotion, which is fear in this case, will grow like wheatgrass and win the game.

Change your body posture towards awareness

A Harvard University study demonstrated how subjects who maintained a body posture of triumph had lower levels of cortisol in saliva than those who adopted a posture of defeat.

Cortisol is the fear hormone. This means that we can trick our brains at will. If, like an actor or actress, we force ourselves to take care of our non-verbal language, it will spill over into our emotions and thoughts.

In this article, we have seen that self-confidence, when we project it outwards, makes other people fall in love with us. In addition, we have given you 3 keys so that you can consolidate this trust. All you have to do is put them into practice!

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