Do Things Happen By Chance?

Do things happen by chance?

I’ve been wanting to write about this for some time. I would like, if you will allow me, to analyze my own thoughts and share them with you.

My goal is to present my thoughts to you, to awaken something in you, dear readers.

If you have come here to find an answer, or to find an interpretation, I prefer to warn you now that I have made a final opening to this article, so that everyone can draw their own conclusions and share them with us. .

I will start with this questioning:

Does everything happen by chance or does everything happen for a reason, that is, by taking a path that we have previously mapped out?


History of chance and causality

The day before yesterday morning, I sat facing a blank sheet of paper hoping my hands and head would get to work, but had no response from my brain.

No idea crossed my mind, so after five minutes I decided to postpone the attempt.

I was perhaps tired, or so very little inspired to write a text at the time there. I decided to go out and get my mind off it. What is certain is that this walk did me a lot of good.

A few hours later, more determined than ever, I sat down again in front of my white sheet in a challenge to myself. But nothing. Impossible.

Ten minutes later, I admitted defeat when I realized that this attempt was going to fail again.

So I once again left my office chair and tried to clear my mind by reading, and especially not to think about my inability to write this article.

So I went through one of my favorite books: “Le Monde Soleil” by Albert Espinosa. I opened the book and randomly came across a page that ended with the following sentence:

“And I stayed here, contemplating this darkness, hoping it would rise”. 

This sentence precisely described the situation in which I found myself, that is to say in the absence of the most total inspiration. Maybe the world was sending me a sign?

I closed the book and got to work again.


Feeling more inspired and having ideas about the structure of the story I wanted to tell you, I determinedly put my pen down to draw the first line.

I wrote: “Chance or causality?” and I suddenly felt better. As if I had overcome the obstacle of lack of inspiration with this complex question.

But the inspiration froze, or to be honest, my envy and my patience stopped …

Desperate, after a few minutes of waiting for another sign from the sky, I got up for the umpteenth time, I prepared dinner and took a shower to try to refresh my thoughts.

However, I was now too tired and decided it was better to let go for today. I sped off to bed. Tomorrow is another day. Back to square one.

The next day, I got up early in the morning energetically. I had lunch and stood in front of what had lately become my “enemy”: the blank page.

With the feeling of being stuck in a dead end, I went through the same process of frustration as the day before, the one that had made me doubt my ability to write this article.

Maybe in my case it was causation rather than chance? Hadn’t I myself decided to postpone the impossible?

What was certain was that I did not even last five minutes in front of this desk. Often, inspiration does not fall from the sky, it is necessary to provoke it and seek it.

I could have made drafts, diagrams, looked for information on this topic or directly agreed to move on to another topic with the hope of being able to write something on it.

However , I let myself be carried away by the desperation and frustration which made me think that I was not capable of it, when only a few minutes had passed and I had not done anything to remedy it.

Now I find myself writing these few words, which by chance (or causation?) Lead me to this bigger question:

Was I afraid to write what I thought? Or was I not sure I shared with you these thoughts that I was trying to find out?

Two elements are certain …

The first thing is that I really came across the following quote when I opened the book again at random: “ Unresolved doubts are unacceptable fears ”.

The second element is that by chance, by making an effort, one reflection led me to another: I am the master of my sentences and my emotions.

And I have once again turned the page.

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