Draw A Line In The Past To Open New Doors For You

Draw a line on the past to open new doors for you

How difficult it is to let go of the past and look to the future! While being willing to form new relationships can be difficult, accepting that the time has come to end a relationship will be difficult … 

Many people prefer to pursue relationships that hurt them for fear of the consequences.

Have you assessed the risks of getting stuck in a situation that makes you unhappy today? By being guided by ideas like “What if I don’t meet someone else? ”,“ What if I have remorse? ”,“ What if it all ends badly? ”, You get stuck halfway there.

Keeping multiple openings to the past distracts you

Getting rid of what you know and what stood out in one way or another is complicated. 

However, keeping several openings to the past keeps you from focusing on what is important now.

It is the same with any area of ​​your life. When you think and cry because of that friend who betrayed you, you cannot enjoy the company of those who come into your life now.

Letting go and turning your back on the past gives you time to fight for your dreams and set new goals.



Free yourself from the shackles of the past and seize the opportunities

Keeping a door open because you believe that at some point you will be able to relive that life you regret is a big mistake. Your past has certainly been very good and could have given you strong emotions. But you can’t get stuck because the future also has some experiences in store for you that are worth living.

Waiting all the time for the one who once was your best friend to return won’t make her real anymore. Grow up, change your look, move to another city and grab any opportunity that comes your way. Don’t be afraid and don’t think that you need to be there for those who have strayed from you.

You cannot spend your life waiting for someone who has left without giving an explanation or for someone who does not even come back to see you to honor you with their presence.

Maybe one day these people will feel remorse and look for you, but what if that doesn’t happen? Will you live alone if others esteem you or if you esteem yourself without paying attention to the rest?

Obsession with the past that makes you unhappy

It is said that people who live in the past are overcome with depression. If you think about it, it’s not hard to believe. When you just remember the things you had, you forget what you have now and what you might have.

This is why it is so important to let things go. You don’t want to live surrounded by nostalgia and regret what you were. It’s good to remember where you came from to keep your feet on the ground, but you have to be more careful with what you have today.

Enjoy what you have, laugh with those who are by your side, and plan for the future. It doesn’t make much sense to do anything else. The worst thing that could happen to you is that ten years from now you will be sad because you haven’t lived your life to the fullest.

Be realistic and see the future as an opportunity

You might be one of those people who thinks that a friendship can’t end because your friend can help you get to where you want to be. Maybe it is, but have you wondered if this friend is up for it? He may not see you as a true friend.


In addition, you can take part in situations that are absolutely of no interest to you. Keeping doors open may sound like a good idea, but it will only add obligations  that, over time, become a burden.

Lose the bad habit of keeping the doors open

We have cultivated the bad habit of not letting go of the past. We believe that it is always better to open up possibilities “just in case” . In case this friend needs us, in case this ex-lover wants us again, in case we come across this job opportunity etc.

But the reality is, you can’t spend your life waiting for circumstances to adjust to what you want. You need to put an end to situations that no longer have a future. This is the key to moving forward.

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