To Judge Someone Is To Define Yourself

To judge someone is to define yourself

We are all different, and each of us is unique. For this reason, we respond to certain well-defined behavioral rules, to a concrete personality, and to a very meaningful interior that reveals who we are.

Therefore, it is much easier to question others, and to be judged by them. However, when one person judges, it says more about themselves than the other.

I respect you as you are and I don’t judge you

Judging others is so easy, it’s hard to escape it. The variety of people one can meet is as great as the damage one can cause them by talking about them without first knowing them, or even knowing them.

What is certain is that my tastes are not the same as yours, I certainly don’t act like you would, and  I’m probably not affected by things the same way you are.



For this reason, a healthy relationship is based on respect and tolerance, even if it is a strictly cordial relationship.

We share our life with the people we love as they are, and for nothing in the world we would like that to change.

If someone ever told you that you were special, they were right. You are so by your particular way of seeing the world and of evolving in it.

To judge someone is to fail to understand why that person is the way he is. We do not know what the other went through, what made him such as he is, or how much he can suffer when he knows that he is being criticized without justified reasons.

I love myself the way I am and I don’t want you to judge me

Judging is like throwing a coin in the air and seeing which side it will land on: it can be the other’s point of view, or yours. And if it’s yours, you won’t like to be talked about lightly.

In this case, we always say that to understand the other, we have to put ourselves in their shoes and yet, when they judge us, no one does.


“You know my name, but not my story. You heard what I did, but you didn’t have the same experiences. You know where I am, but not where I come from. You see me laughing, but you don’t know what I suffered. Stop judging me. ”



We feel misunderstood, discouraged, and sometimes our self-esteem may suffer. We like that people have a good image of us, that they worry about us and that they accept us.

It doesn’t matter what flaws or things that others don’t see the same way we do. All we know is that we are happy to be this way, to act like this and to live like this.

This is the reason why we need people who love us to value this aspect more than any other secondary element.


Judging Others Defines Us

As we have said before, we can also suffer from the damage that we do to others.

It is important to know others, but it is just as important that others know us. The secret is therefore to know ourselves through our actions.

In other words, if we frequently judge others, we will be judged in our turn.  However, there may be times when you don’t, and you feel judged without actually doing or saying anything to deserve it.

If you feel that you are being judged by someone, make sure that there is no reason why that person has the right to harm you.

Don’t let this person hurt you with their words, since they aren’t even trying to understand you – no one experiences or feels the same way.

When someone judges you, their behavior probably says more about them than they do about you. You need to stay strong, and let others advise you, but not judge you. Never.

And if despite everything you still feel so bad, remember that when someone is judging your way, you can always offer to lend them your shoes.


“I know my own story very well, that’s why I’m the only person who can judge me, criticize me and applaud me whenever I want.”


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