You Have To Live Your Dreams And Not Dream Your Life

You have to live your dreams and not dream your life

We forget that we have only one life and that it is not a question of living the best possible while suffering as little as possible, but of striving for the life that we have always dreamed of having.

It is about making our life a path where we are as honest as possible with ourselves, to choose and not just to exclude.

We will see what situation you are in and how you can change if this is really what you want.

We all know this uncertain situation we find ourselves in, but we must neutralize the effect that uncertainty has on us when it comes to making decisions and facing life.


Two questions that require two sincere answers

  • What can you do that is really useful in your life that you are passionate about?
  • What kind of people do you want by your side, regardless of the field (sentimental, professional, friendly, etc.)?

These questions seem very simple to become aware of and find the truth. Immediately, thoughts such as “I cannot”, “I must not”, “I have responsibilities” will come to your mind.

You don’t realize that looking for the most sincere answer is going to put you at the starting point of the life you really want to live from now on.

For every excuse you give by answering these questions, you return to your current life in which you don’t feel good.

So we are faced with a dilemma: continue living our current life or take the risk of losing things to get better, knowing that we can lose everything?

One article will not be enough to solve a dilemma in such a simple and pretentious way. However, we are going to expose the two ways of living that we have indicated, with the positive and the negative. Your head and your heart will give you the answer!

Dream your life

When we dream our life, we assume that it is difficult to change the situation.

We may have been wrapped up in unbelievable circumstances for years and we are trying to come to terms with it and continue as best we can because we have not found a better one.

A mature person will face this whole situation with pain, but also with the desire to build a better life.

We realize that many people give up when faced with an urgent situation.

They prefer to choose a safer and simpler path, which does not mean that there will not be happy times, as some people accept it well. On the other hand, others are frustrated once they have reached a phase of the “chosen” path.

If you dream your life: 

  • You will have more security, because working to move forward will not bother you
  • You will have stability, because the people who walk by your side have accepted the reproaches must not appear.
  • You have a clear conscience because you did what you could under the worst circumstances
  • You will not be able to take the path you wanted but you have made this path as pleasant as possible, and it is an indisputable luxury.

Living your dreams

When we live our dreams, there is nothing to adjust between what we would like to do and what we do, between the people we want to surround ourselves with and those around us, between our personal decisions and those that society imposes on us.

It is the path of will and passion, a path which does not always lead you to success but which makes you happy, since the victors have the power and the happy the glory.

If you are living your dreams:

  • You will have less security, but for you, the happiness in life lies in the development of your passion.
  • You will not have fixed schedules and habitat, nor always the same people around you. But you will be under the illusion that each day will be a new adventure to discover.
  • We do not know if you will have a clear conscience choosing this path. At first, maybe you did something drastic without giving an explanation, or maybe you did something that society doesn’t like, but it all dissipates when the happiness happens.
  • You have taken the path you wanted to take and you are savoring it, no matter the losses when you feel happy in the chosen path.

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