Getting Fired From Your Job Doesn’t Mean Your Life Is Over

Getting fired from your job doesn't mean your life is over

Almost all of us have been fired at least once in our life. This experience is not pleasant, even when our working conditions do not please us. Although this is a fairly common thing, it is still a frustrating situation. Depending on the circumstances, it ends up having a very big impact on the emotional level of the person.

Dismissal implies rejection and a step towards uncertainty. We are as if singled out. A rejection, because that supposes an exclusion from the workspace and from what it symbolically represents. A step towards uncertainty because, in the majority of cases, no other work awaits us around the corner. The fact that we are singled out implies a negative assessment of our activity or our behavior within the organization.

It is, in any case, a delicate moment. However,  we are the ones who make it meaningful. This means that we have the opportunity not to turn a dismissal into a trauma or a very serious difficulty. In the end, life will go on, even if we go through a less simple phase first. We must manage this situation and avoid an overflow. Here are some ideas that you may be able to help.

Keep calm and relax

This idea is quite difficult to assimilate but be aware that, for one reason or another, we always end up leaving places where we are not supposed to be.  This may sound quite complicated, but if you got fired it was probably because you didn’t belong there. This organization was perhaps not made for us, and this point is not necessarily negative.

Evaluating things will be rather complicated at first. The first thing to do, therefore, is to stay calm and not to give free rein to these negative ideas that appear  after a dismissal. Don’t make a movie thinking it is the start of a bad patch. Or that the sky is going to fall on your head. Instead, focus on what you need to do now.

man worried about being fired

After a layoff, action must be taken

Following a referral… It is true that a stage of uncertainty begins. The best way to deal with it is to organize yourself as much as possible. First check the state of your finances. Try to keep your expenses as low as possible. If you are in debt, see if you need to talk to creditors to set new terms. This is always possible because they too want to see you pay.

It is also important to make a list of everyone you know. They could help you find a new job. Also note the ones you haven’t spoken to for a long time. Then prepare a message that you can send to them. Tell them that you are out of work and that you would be extremely grateful if they could give you information about any jobs they have heard of.

Prepare to look for a job

A dismissal forces you to dust off your CV and renew it. This is a good opportunity to modernize it and give it a more personal touch. There are now a large number of options. One of them is to prepare an introductory video and include the link on your resume.

It is also very important that you start your application for vacancies with a few convincing phrases that represent you. Emphasize your greatest qualities. Take the opportunity to look for a job in the sectors that appeal to you. There are sure to be companies out there looking for people like you.

stairs representing professional ascent

A referral is also an opportunity

While waiting for a new job, which you will not end up finding, even if it is not on the spot,  take the opportunity to consider a new option: to be your own boss. Do you know how to do something that would allow you to work independently? Any skill is valid. A person can teach what he knows. If she is good at manual work, she can use her hands in a new job. The Internet is a great way to start a new business.

To start a business, you don’t have to be an inventor or have a lot of capital. The main thing is to do research to identify needs that could be met. Look at examples of businesses that have been successful in moving forward. Learn to make plans and get to work. This is only a matter of decision. In fact, if this project is successful, you might even continue with your business even if you find a new job.

The main thing is that you realize that a dismissal is not the end of the world.  Obviously, it takes you out of your comfort zone. And that a lot of concerns will crop up in your head. However, if you adopt a positive and active attitude, you will surely be able to turn this problem into an opportunity.


Not all bad things that happen to us are bad
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The negative things in life can provide us with learning that will be valuable to us in building our happiness.


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