The Strength And Limits Of Love

The strength and limits of love

Romanticism is not easy to define. It is a literary and artistic school, but also an attitude of the human being towards life and, in particular, towards love.

What is obvious is that romanticism has transcended eras and fashions. In today’s world, with all its pragmatism, there are still many people who view reality with a deep romantic air.

This can be seen more clearly in the realm of couples. It is no coincidence that the love between a man and a woman has been baptized as “romantic love”.

It is a perspective through which one idealizes affection and, over time, it usually leads to great disappointments.

In the following article, we will introduce you to the myths of romantic love that ultimately prevent us from being happy as a couple.

Myths about the power of love

There is an idea that with love one can triumph over anything, one can achieve anything and one can achieve anything. Unfortunately, this only happens very rarely.

Love in a couple, like any human feeling, has its limits and has a specific scope. Love cannot do everything.

Supporting this myth can be harmful in many cases, such as when someone thinks they can change another person, through love.

Obviously, love does affect the modification of our behavior to some extent. However, a couple relationship will not change the ultimate essence of a person. At best, it polishes certain aspects of our being.

Love alone is also not capable of overcoming all obstacles, tolerating all mistakes, nor forgiving all offenses,  for there are limits which cannot be transgressed.

If this love does not include respect, tolerance and good communication, it is possible to perpetuate the bond, but not the feeling as such.

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Myths about the supernatural aspect of love

On many occasions, when we talk about love, we associate it with certain magical ideas. It is a question of fate or predestination, of inexplicable “alchemy”, of one and true love of life or of eternity, which most of the time, are only words.

Some people want to see love through the crystal of the supernatural. They want it to be an incomprehensible force, which appears in our life without knowing why or how and which turns straw into gold.

This ideal of love is such a strong desire that these people will hardly find more earthly relationships attractive.

They assume that if there are difficulties in their relationship it is because they have not yet found their true “half”. They also think that by finding it they won’t need to make any effort, because everything will flow naturally, as if the story had been written in advance.

There is a stark contrast between an imperfect relationship, made of flesh and blood, and the relationship that the Romantics idealize.

Of course, the real relationship is always going to come out a loser. How could one compare a “here and now” full of imperfections, misunderstandings and bad smells, with a “hereafter” where there is only harmony and happiness?

In fact, the person who loses is the one who seeks to see embodied in reality, something that exists only in the fiery imagination of romanticism.

She will be frustrated by her desire for absolute encounter and total harmony.

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